Chapter Nine

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Hoseok and I had been together for a month now. We were both happy. Hoseok and Lia got along so well. Hoseok came over on a Saturday because he knew that we went to my parents' house. It was nice to see them playing with each other. Hoseok was a naturally happy person which matched Lia's hyper self.

BTS had their comeback and it topped the charts. They won the Music Bank. Lia and I watched it on TV because I let her stay up that night. We cheered them on and screamed with joy when they won. While we watched, my eyes kept going to Yoongi. He looked good in that silk pink suit... Y/N! Stop it, you're with Hoseok!

Yoongi and I had become friends. He would sometimes drop Lia off at school for me. They were becoming closer. I was happy that Lia had a positive relationship with her father. She loved spending time with him in the mornings. Everything was smooth sailing... well it was until Yoongi kissed me last week.

Yoongi walked into the practice room that I was in by myself because I had to create a part of the choreography for the group's song 21st Century Girl. I was taking a break because I stumped on one of the parts. Hoseok was going to come in to help me choreograph. I heard the door open and I turned around thinking Hobi had arrived early, but it was Yoongi. He looked at me with a small smirk on his face. I didn't know how long he had been in the room watching me figure out the choreography.

I asked him what he was doing and he just shrugged taking a couple of steps closer to me. I stumbled backwards into the mirror. He licked his lips and came even closer to me. I looked in his eyes. They were darkened slightly as he looked directly at my lips. I gulped slightly as he gripped one of my hands. He linked our fingers and leaned in. His lips met mine. My eyes widened while he kissed me. I was mostly angry at myself for kissing him back. His lips were soft and they seemed to fit perfectly with mine. I was the first one to pull away. My eyes widened. I had just cheated on the literal sun. I looked at Yoongi. I wanted to slap him, but I kissed him back.

I haven't told Hoseok and I am never going to because I feel like I am falling in love with him. I love being with him and spending time with him. He is literally a human charger, my mood is lifted whenever I am with him. Yoongi and I haven't even talked about it. I don't even know if he remembers it.

I was driving to work. Yoongi had driven Lia to school so I didn't have to. I was determined to talk to Yoongi about the kiss. I had to know why he did it. I walked into the building and to Yoongi's studio. I rang the doorbell he had. He opened the door and saw me standing there. His eyes widened as he saw me "Y-Y/N... I know why you're here..." He looked at me.
"Really?" I raised my eyebrow
"You want to talk about the k-kiss. C-come in." He opened the door wider.
"How did you know?" I walked into the room and sat on the couch.
"Because I know you, Y/N." He sat in his chair and had it turned to me.
"Why did you do it? You know that I have Hoseok." I sighed.
"I-I need to confess," He took a deep breath. "Y/N I have feelings for you..."
"W-What?" My eyes widened.
"Y/N, I...I like you, ok? I admit it. Choi Y/N I have feelings for you." He took my hands.

I was speechless. I couldn't believe it. I really didn't know what to say to Yoongi. My feelings were conflicted. I really liked Hoseok and I felt like I was falling in love with him. I didn't know how I felt about Yoongi. Yes he is Lia's father, but that was only because we had a one night stand. He was cute though and he had the most adorable gummy smile. He was a little dork who cared about his music and the people around him. Even though he had only known about Lia for a month, he was a great father and Lia loved her dad. I didn't know what to do.

I looked at Yoongi. He was staring at me. I tapped the space next to me on the couch for him to sit next to me. He moved to where I was tapping. I took one of his hands and looked at the wall. His hand was soft. He looked down at our hands and linked our fingers together. I teared up hating how right his hand felt in mine. I let go of his hand and stood up. I had to get out of this room. I walked towards the door. I heard Yoongi sigh and get up himself. Before I opened the door, I glanced at him and pulled him into a hug. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and he put his face in my hair. Why did this feel right too? I was the first one to break out of the hug. I kissed Yoongi's cheek and walked out of the Genius Lab.

Hoseok was waiting for me in one of the practice rooms. We were going to do a run over the dance for 21st Century Girl and the other members were going to be joining us later so I could teach them the dance. Hoseok was sitting against the wall, his eyes closed. He was sleeping. It was adorable. I went to sit next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as well. I felt him move slightly so my head was on his lap. I looked up at him with a smile on my face. I put a hand on his cheek. His eyes fluttered open as he looked down to see me. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I lifted my head slightly to make our lips meet. We kissed for a second before we both stood up to start practicing.

I always loved how Hoseok could always go from being all romantic and to a professional. I admire that about him. We always got a lot done when we were together, even if there were secret kisses shared when we finished a part of the song. Dance practices were never boring with Hoseok. We always found a way to make them fun. This was how we worked for the past couple of weeks and it worked. We had managed to choreograph the dance in two weeks. Jimin joined us for a couple of days last week to see how it was going and helped us finish the last part of the song.

We walked into the middle of the room. I went to press play on the stereo for us to run the dance. I flashed a smile at Hobi, who did the same to me. We began to do the moves perfectly. We ran through the dance twice and the rest of the members filled into the room. They hugged me and high fived Hobi, everyone but Yoongi did. He just went to the middle of the room and started warming up for dance. I frowned but shook it off and stood at the mirrors. I clapped my hands for the members to get in formation which they all listened to.

Hoseok and I started to teach the dance to the members. This took the whole day, well until 3pm because I had a parent-teacher conference with Lia's teacher. Yoongi had asked to come with me which I accepted at the time that my appointment was scheduled., but I was now having second thoughts. After what he told me I was seriously reconsidering letting him come with me. We had already talked about it with Bang PD and he let Yoongi take time out of practicing because the group's next Music Bank performance was in three weeks. Mr Bang said that practice could end early today because of it.

Hoseok helped me put on my coat and gave me a quick kiss. "Call me when you get home." He mumbled against my lips.
"I know, I will." I broke the kiss.

He glanced at Yoongi before letting me go. I walked to Yoongi and we walked out to my car. I got in the car and waited for Yoongi to get in. He got in the back. I understood why he did that. It would be less likely for him to be noticed if he was in there. I started driving to Lia's school. Yoongi and I didn't say anything to each other the entire drive to the school. The only noise was the soft hum of the car's engine and the occasional clicking of the indicators. We soon arrived at the school though. I got out and waited for Yoongi. He put on a mask and got out of the car. We walked into the school and I told the lady at the reception desk what we were doing there.

She wasn't really paying attention to anything I was saying. She was too busy staring at Yoongi. Yoongi noticed this and put his arm around my waist. He lifted down his mask, slightly to kiss my cheek and then put it back up. I blushed slightly as the woman sighed and told us where to go. I bowed and smiled while walking off to Lia's teacher's classroom. When we got there, I knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door with a smile "Ahh Miss Choi and Mr Min. How very nice for you to make it. My name is Mrs Kim." She bowed to us out of respect.
"It's very nice to meet you." I stated.
"Do come in." She opened the door wider and let us in.

We walked into the classroom. I looked around. There were drawings all over the walls. Yoongi and I were directed to two chairs in front of Mrs Kim's desk. We sat down as she sat behind the desk. I really hoped that Lia hadn't been causing any trouble. She was such a good kid. I raised her to be polite, to say her pleases and thank yous. Even though she was only four, she was very good at doing these things. I was proud to be her mother and it would be a shame to find out that she was misbehaving at school, especially because of who her father was. It would make him look bad if his daughter was not following the school rules...

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