Chapter Thirteen

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Hoseok's palms were sweating. He knew what he had to do. He was mostly scared. Half of Hobi wanted to stay with Y/N so she would forget Yoongi, but the other wanted Y/N to be happy and he knew that Yoongi would make her happy, more happy than he could.

He took her into the small home music studio. Yoongi used it more than anyone. It was soundproof and it didn't keep the members awake at night. It was pretty handy to have when they had a deadline and had a lot of work to do. It wasn't a very big room, but it was big enough for what it was needed for.

Y/N and Hoseok sat on the small sofa. Her hands were shaking, she was looking at the ground. It was almost as if she knew what he was going to say. He was so scared to say anything to her. Hobi didn't want to hurt her and risk her quitting BigHit. That's what he feared the most. He was scared that she was going to stop being their dance teacher.

Hobi took a deep breath before taking her hands. He needed to do this. He had to do this. "Y-Y/N... I-I," Hoseok sighed slightly. "I-I think we should b-break up..."
"W-What?" Her voice cracked.
"I-I d-don't want to stop you from being happy." He looked down.
"Y-You're not though, I don't understand." She looked at him confused
"You like Yoongi. I know you do. I don't want to stand in the way of that." He sighed

Y/N went silent. She knew that what Hoseok had said was true, yet she didn't want to believe it. She looked down at her hands. Of course, she liked Yoongi, but she also cared about Hoseok. "We'll still be friends right?" Y/N asked Hoseok curiously.
"Of course, we will." He pulled her into a hug.

*Y/N's POV*
I was trying not to cry while he hugged me. I hugged him back, my eyes were closed. I knew that must have been a hard decision for him to make. I hated knowing that I had hurt the literal sun. I knew that he was acting strong for me. This hurt me more.

I heard a knock on the studio door. Hoseok broke out of the hug and went to open the door. Yoongi was standing there with Lia asleep in his arms. I took this as my cue to leave the Bangtan dorms. I asked Yoongi if he could carry Lia out to the car, to which he nodded. I kissed Hoseok's cheek and thanked him for everything. He hugged me once more. I hugged back, not wanting to let him go.

Eventually he let go. I moved away from him and said goodbye to Bangtan. I went out to my car. Yoongi was waiting by the vehicle. He had put Lia in her car seat, she was still peacefully sleeping. I put the coats in the backseat next to Lia. I went back round the car to the drivers side. Yoongi stood there watching me.

I stood next to him. We stood in silence for a couple of minutes. "What happened between you and Hobi?" He was the first one to break this silence.
"W-we... we um... b-broke u-up..." I looked down.
"What? Why?" Yoongi went in front of me, his eyes were wide.
"He knew that I had feelings for someone else." I sighed
"Oh..." Was all that he could say.
"I should probably go, I have to get Lia to bed..." I got into my car, started the engine and rolled down my window.
"Have a good day tomorrow," Yoongi nodded. "Text me when you get home."

I nodded and got ready to drive off. Yoongi stood back and watched me leave.

It had been a few months since what happened with Hoseok. In the past three months, I needed time to focus on myself so I decided to take a small break from working at BigHit. When I explained everything to Mr Bang, he was understanding (That surprised me) and he let me take a month off. He wanted me back in time to start working on teaching Bangtan the new dance for their album You Never Walk Alone.

I went back and helped the group prepare for the music shows and performances. That was two months ago. I know it's not healthy to be friends with your exes but Hoseok and I were now friends again. We weren't friends straight away, it did take a month and a half, but we both agreed that we were better as friends.

Yoongi and I had gotten a little closer. He came over every friday. It was mostly to spend time with Lia, but when she was in bed we would sit and share a bottle of wine. I liked this. This started when I came back from my month off.

The whole of Bangtan gave me my space during my month off. They texted me asking if I was ok every once and awhile, but they understood that I needed the time for myself and I appreciated that. They were all the best people to be around. They were good friends.

It was Friday, Yoongi and I were on our way back to my apartment. My mum had picked Lia up from school and was looking after her. We weren't home too late today. It was 18:00 (6pm for the people who don't use the 24hr time format). We got out of the car and went up to my apartment. I opened the door. Lia came into the hallway "Eomma! Appa! You're home!" She giggled and hugged both of us.

We both hugged Lia back. Yoongi picked up the small child and ran into the living room with her. I smiled at this and went into the kitchen to start making dinner. My mum told me she was going home, so I hugged her quickly and continued cooking. Normally we would order food in, but today I wanted to try out a new Western dish with pasta and sausages.

Dinner was soon ready. I plated up the food and called Yoongi and Lia into the dining room. I had added a little bit of spice in the meal. I had never really given Lia spice before so I wasn't sure how she was going to handle it. At the end Lia said she liked the food, which made me smile.

Yoongi and I were sitting on the sofa drinking our wine. We had put Lia to bed a couple of hours prior to this. She happily went to bed without a fuss. Yoongi read her a story, which she liked. Seeing them together made me happy. Lia loved her father. It was adorable.

Yoongi made a joke about something which made me giggle slightly. I gazed at him. He was beautiful. Before I could think of what I was doing,, I reached over and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but soon kissed back. I took the wine glasses out of our hands and put them on the coffee table. This gave Yoongi the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me onto his lap. We began making out. My hands were in his hair, tugging every so often.

Yoongi groaned, deepening the kiss and stood up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He started walking to my bedroom. He bit my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. We reached my bedroom. Yoongi closed the door with his foot and pushed me up against it. I gasped and broke the kiss. He had a slight smirk playing on his lips. I blushed slightly. He buried his face in my neck, starting to suck, making marks. I gasped slightly and let out little whimpers "Y-Yoongi... i-I need you..." I whimpered out.

This seemed to make him snap because we were undressed on my bed. The make out was more rough now. Yoongi's hands were wandering down my body, spreading my legs apart. I bit my lip as he broke the kiss, moving his lips down my body, to use his tongue technology. He began sucking on my clit. I let out a shaky breath trying not to be loud. "Y-Yoongi... fuck. I'm gonna." I moaned his name
"Hold it!" I heard him growl.

He came back to my level. He lined his member up with my entrance. He kissed me as he entered me. I almost screamed out in the kiss. He was big. He let me get used to his size before beginning to crash his hips into mine. It took me so much not to scream his name out. The pleasure he was giving me was euphoric. I arched my back as I got closer to climax. He moaned in my ear. I couldn't hold it in anymore and moaned loudly, climaxing on his dick. He didn't stop, he kept going.

A few minutes later, after me orgasming again, his thrusts became sloppier, meaning he was close. A few thrusts later, he came inside of me with a loud mlan He pulled out and laid next to me. I put my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around my back. "W-wow..." Yoongi said breathless.
"i-I know." I looked up at him
"What do we do now?" He looked at me
"I-I don't know..." I shrugged.
"Be mine." He kissed my nose.
"i-I would love to." I smiled

He pulled me close. We both fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling happily.

A/N: I tried to write smut, I hope that you enjoyed it.
Emoli x

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