Chapter Fifteen

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Y/N looked at herself in the mirror. Her white dress failed to hide the small bump that was forming. She fell pregnant two months ago and this time, she told the father. Y/N told him as soon as she found out. Yoongi was over the moon. He was going to be a dad again. He couldn't wait to love his new child. Lia was excited to, she loved the idea of having a new brother or sister.

Y/N and Yoongi were getting married today. They would have done it sooner if it wasn't for Yoongi's busy schedule not giving them a break. He proposed a week after they moved in together. He just couldn't wait to start their lives together. The way he proposed was so romantic. He took Y/N out for a picnic to watch the sunset and when the sun went down, Yoongi got down on one knee. Y/N, of course, said yes.

Y/N was looking at herself in the mirror. She was nervous. She was scared about saying the wrong thing in front of Yoongi's parents. They could be scary sometimes from what she heard from Yoongi himself. She was ready though. She was ready to spend the rest of her life with her soulmate.

Yoongi was ready in his suit. He was helping the rest of BTS with their ties. "I can't believe that you're actually getting married, Yoongi." Jin slapped Yoongi's shoulder.
"I can't believe that hyung is marrying Y/N. He's so lucky to marry a girl like her." Taehyung smiled.
"I know it's crazy. I thought this day was never going to happen." Yoongi smiled.

They were soon ready and on their way to the venue in which Y/N and Yoongi were getting married. Yoongi and the members were going to be there earlier than Y/N. It would give Yoongi the chance to welcome their families and friends who were going to be there to celebrate this day with them.

Y/N was getting her makeup done by one of BTS's makeup artists. Yoongi asked the company for the entire beauty team to help them out. Y/N looked beautiful. Her hair was in an updo style and her makeup was simplistic, yet sophisticated. "Wow, Y/N. You look amazing." Y/N's best friend, Euna, smiled.
"T-Thank y-you." Y/N blushed as the stylist fixed the veil on Y/N's head.

It was time for Y/N to go to the wedding venue. She got in the car with her father. Lia was going to be going with Euna and Y/N's mother. Y/N's hands were shaking. She was so nervous. Her dad took her hand to reassure her. Y/N was trying not to cry. Everything was just so overwhelming. She had been dreaming of this day since she was a little girl. The day she would get married to the love of her life and now it was finally here, she didn't want to mess everything up.

They soon got to the venue. Lia was waiting for Y/N. Y/N got out of the car. Lia came running up to her mother and hugged her. Y/n hugged her. Lia giggled and whispered about how pretty Y/N looked. Y/N's father put a hand on Y/N's back, telling her that it was time.

Y/N stood up straight and linked arms with her dad. She took a deep breath. Lia and Euna walked in front of Y/N. Y/N's mother walked behind. Everyone was stood up for Y/N's entrance. She walked down the aisle, to Yoongi. Yoongi was staring at her with his mouth hanging open. She was breathtaking to him. They soon joined hands and looked at the officiator.

Y/N and Yoongi walked out of the venue holding hands. They were finally married. Yoongi looked over to his wife with a big gummy smile. He was so happy that she was his and only his. Y/N glanced over at him and blushed. "Y-You h-honestly look amazing Y-Y/N." Yoongi whispered into her ear.
"You look even better." She blushed, putting a hand on his cheek.

He kissed her softly with a small smile on his face. She kissed him back until she heard Lia running out, shouting happily for them. Y/N broke out of the kiss and Yoongi picked Lia up. Y/N smiled at her family and absentmindedly rubbed her bump.

The rest of the day went smoothly. After they took some pictures, everyone went to the wedding reception venue to eat. After the food was speeches and then Y/N and Yoongi's first dance. The night was great and everyone had an amazing time. Y/N couldn't ask for a better wedding and better people to spend it with.

Y/N was sitting on the couch, at home. She had gone maternity leave a month ago. Big Hit was very accepting of everything and let Yoongi go home to her whenever he needed. Y/N was re-watching Hwarang for the thousandth time when she started feeling a slight pain in her stomach. She put a hand on her stomach and felt her son kicking. She whimpered slightly. Yoongi was currently at the company. They had an album being released in a month and the group was learning the new choreographies.

She looked down at her belly and rubbed it, but the pain just kept getting worse. Her waters broke as she got her phone to call Yoongi. Yoongi answered in a couple of rings "Hey darling, are you ok?" His voice sounded.
"Y-Yoongi...the baby...he's coming." Y/n cried out.
"I will be there as quick as I can, my baby." Yoongi quickly hung up

Yoongi told the members that Y/N was having the baby and left the company. He got in his car (he now had one, as he travelled to the company alone) and drove home as quick as he could to get to his wife. When he arrived at the apartment, Y/N was gripping onto things, swearing and rubbing her stomach.

Yoongi grandpa ran to her, turned off the TV and scooped her up. He got the hospital bag and ran out to the car. He sat Y/N in the back and got in the driver's seat. He drove as quick as he could to the hospital. Everytime they would reach a red light, he would turn around to check if Y/N was ok. Y/N was thankful to have a husband like Yoongi.

They got to the hospital and Yoongi got Y/N out of the car. He carried her into the hospital. A nurse went to them. Yoongi explained what was going on and they were escorted to the maternity ward. Yoongi was told to lay Y/N on a bed. He did what he was told and bowed to the nurse.. Yoongi sat next to Y/N. She put a hand on his cheek and smiled weakly.

After a painful delivery, Y/N gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy. They decided to call him Jisung. Throughout the entire thing, Yoongi held Y/N's hand tightly and complimented her.

Yoongi was the first one to hold their son after he was born. He looked at the small baby in his arms and teared up. He had never seen anything so small. Rest assured that when Yoongi saw Jisung it was love at first sight. He put his nose against the baby's and closed his eyes. He was the happiest he could be right now. Nothing could ruin it.

Y/N was asleep. She was exhausted after giving birth. Yoongi was holding the sleeping Jisung. "Welcome to the world, my beautiful son. I hope I can be the best father for you. I want to do my best to make sure that you have a good life." Yoongi was crying again.

He kissed the top of Jisung's head and put him in his little cot that was next to Y/N's side. He sat down in the chair on the other side of the bed and looked over at Y/N. His heart skipped. He wondered how she could still look beautiful even after giving birth. It was a mystery to him. He loved her so much.

He looked at the time and texted Jin, asking if he could go pick up Lia from school and then bring her to the hospital. Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked over at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled at his wife and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, cupping his cheek. The kiss was full of love and passion.

Soon Jin came to the hospital with not just Lia, but the rest of Bangtan. All six of them squeezed into the room. Y/N was now holding Jisung, as he had just finished feeding. Lia went round the bed and looked at her mother. She looked at the baby "Lia and Bangtan, I would like to introduce to you Min Jisung." Yoongi smiled.

Everyone took it in turns to hold Jisung. Yoongi sat with Y/n and held her hand. Lia was the last to hold him. Y/N and Yoongi watched her as she held her little brother. Y/N glanced over at Yoongi. Everything was perfect. She was so thankful that she took that manager job, if she didn't, she would have never met the love of her life and the father of her children again.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading, my children :)

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