Chapter Three

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I hated the look on Lia's face. The look of betrayal, confusion and sadness. It made me feel awful. I took her hand and walked out of the room and out of the Big Hit building. I put Lia in the car and got in the drivers side. I began the drive home. It was quiet, too quiet. I put on the radio, which was something that I didn't normally do in the car because Lia and I would have a lot to say to each other. I hummed along to the song on the radio as we hit a red light. I looked into the mirror and saw that Lia had fallen asleep. I smiled and looked back at the road to continue driving.

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex that Lia and I lived in. I took off my seat belt and turned to look at Lia. She was still sleeping. I looked at my phone. Yoongi had texted me.

Hey, I'm sorry about today. I didn't think she would listen to our conversation.

I didn't reply because Lia was waking up. Lia looked at me. I put my phone in my pocket and got out of the car. I opened the door to get Lia out of the car. I picked her up and walked into the apartment complex. She buried her face into my shoulder. I carried her into the apartment and to her bedroom. I put her down and told her to get ready for bed while I made the both of us some quick ramen noodles.

The noodles were soon ready to be eaten. Lia came out wearing one of her onesies. She looked adorable. She looked like a baby again. She climbed into her seat. I gave her her bowl of ramen and sat in the seat next to her. I gave her some chopsticks and started eating my noodles. "Eomma, is Yoongi my Appa?" Lia looked at me.
"Yes, sweetie. He is," I didn't want to lie to her anymore. "How do you feel about that?"
"Yoongi is cool. I like him. He's funny." Lia smiled.

I nodded, with a small smile on my face. Part of me was happy that Lia finally knew who her father was, but as selfish as it sounds, I would miss having Lia to myself. I did raise her all by myself for four years.

I finished eating my ramen and waited for Lia to finish. Lia finished not that long after I did. I told her to get into bed. She did as told and I got up to put away the ramen bowls in the kitchen. I went into Lia's room and tucked her in. I read her, her favourite story. I kissed her forehead and turned off the light. I walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. I went to sit on the couch and got out my phone. Yoongi had texted me again. This time I replied

I know you probably saw my last message, but I'm sorry again

Yoongi, it's ok. It's a good thing that Lia likes you, otherwise it wouldn't be.


Yes, really, Yoongi.

Ok, good :)

Good night Yoongi.

I sighed and looked at the time. It was 10:30pm. I laid on the couch and turned on the TV. I went onto the drama I had been watching and continued where I had left off. It got into halfway through the episode and I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy. I turned off the TV and went to wash the ramen bowls. I yawned as I walked towards my room. I changed into some pyjamas and did my night skincare routine. I got into bed and within minutes I had fallen asleep.

My alarm rang at 8:00am. I didn't have to be at work until 10 today. I sat up and checked my phone. I had no new messages. I checked my social media accounts and then got out of bed to find my little princess. Lia was still asleep. I smiled and walked over to her. I ran my hand through her soft black hair. Lia slowly opened her eyes. I smiled "Morning little princess."
"Morning Eomma." Lia mumbled sitting up.
"Did you sleep well?" I kissed her forehead.
"Yea. I had a good dream." She giggled.
"What happened in your dream?" I sat at the end of her bed
"Well, you and Yoongi were in it. We went to the zoo and we had fun as a family." She smiled.

I nodded and smiled. Lia came over to me and hugged me. I picked her up and carried her into the kitchen. She giggled and put her head on my shoulder. I sat her on the counter. I got a mug out, for me, so I could make coffee and a small mug, for Lia, because I was going to make her some hot chocolate. I made the drinks and gave Lia her mug. She thanked me and took a sip. I got my coffee and took a sip of it. I was going to treat Lia to McDonalds breakfast today. I was going to get it while we were on our way to work. I smiled as I looked at my daughter. She had a small bit of cream on her nose. She gave me her gummy smile as I wiped it off with a cloth.

When Lia found out about us going to McDonalds, she couldn't stop smiling. She was still smiling. I loved seeing her so happy. Her smile could light up a room. Lia was such a happy and easy child. She rarely had tantrums and was patient. Everyone said that she was very advanced for her age. She was only four but her speech and thinking skills were more of a six year old. She was a good and smart kid. I was proud of her.

We pulled into the parking lot of the BigHit building. I got out and helped Lia out of the car. I got her backpack and put it on my back. She had brought a bag of toys to play with today so she didn't interrupt BTS' practice. In the bag was her favourite doll and plushie. I also packed a pair of pyjamas in there because I didn't know how long we would be in the practice room for. I took her hand and walked into the building. I opened the door to the group's practice room and walked in. They all turned to look at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked over to the couch to put Lia's bag down. I checked the time and we were ten minutes early. The members were doing their stretches. Yoongi came over to us. Well not me specifically, but Lia.

Lia looked at Yoongi and smiled. She let go of my hand to run over to him and hug him. He hugged her back, with a smile on his face. I flopped on the couch and sighed. Yoongi glanced over at me and broke out of the hug with Lia. Lia grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled him over to the couch. She got her back and got out one of her toys to show him what she had. I sighed and checked my phone. I lifted my head up when I heard Lia ask Yoongi "Yoongi, can I call you Appa?"
"Um, sure. I mean I'm your dad so yes you can call me Appa." Yoongi smiled widely at Lia.

Lia just giggled and continued showing Yoongi all the toys that she had brought with her. I checked the time again. It was time for the members to begin practicing. I stood up and Yoongi rushed over to the other members, leaving Lia to play. The members began practicing their dance for their comeback song Blood Sweat & Tears. I sat back on the couch where I could keep an eye on both the members and Lia.

Half way through the second run through the song, Lia came over to me with one of her cuddly dolls. She sat on the couch and laid on my lap, cuddling the toy. I smiled down at Lia. She looked at the members and watched them dance. Little did I know was that Yoongi was looking at Lia and I, smiling. I looked up and caught him staring at us. I locked eyes with him and raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat and smiled scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at Lia who had fallen asleep. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Yoongi was still looking at Lia and I. Hoseok waved his hand in his face. Yoongi shook his head and looked at his members. He apologised and got in his place. The group continued their run through. I watched them and took mental notes. I knew a few things about dancing because I used to dance before I had Lia. I was in a dance group with a couple other girls. The group was called Missterious. We were quite popular in the underground dance scene... Well we were until we had to disband because I got pregnant.

As I watched the boys dance, I found myself looking at Yoongi the most. He looked so focused while they went through the dance. I could tell that he always worked hard and pushed himself to make every performance perfect for ARMY. He looked over at me, catching me staring at him. My eyes widened and I quickly looked down at Lia, who was still sleeping on my lap. I could have sworn that he was smirking at me.

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