Chapter Six

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(Hi, I'm going to be switching the POV in this chapter because this is a little eventful chapter)

Hoseok and I were arguing about Y/N. I was angry because I saw him texting her and planning another date with her last night. Hoseok was not understanding why I had a problem with it. I was really angry. I was about to punch him, when Y/N came in the middle of us, protecting Hoseok. My palm hit her cheek. She stumbled backwards holding her cheek, tears in her eyes. My eyes widened as I attempted to go near her but she looked at me with nothing but fear. "Stay away from me!" She whimpered looking at me.
"Y-Y/N... I am so sorry." I teared up, coming a little closer.
"Min Yoongi! I said stay away." She clung onto Hoseok who was looking at me with a fiery look in his eyes.

At this point, all of the members were watching us. I gulped and ran out of the room. I went to my Genius Lab and locked myself in the room. I hurt Y/N, she was most likely going to quit. I would never see Lia again. I sat in my chair and burst into tears. I hurt her. I hurt the girl who could control me seeing my daughter. I hurt the girl who I had feelings for.

I felt awful. I was not a violent person and I had never raised my voice at anyone, especially Hobi. He was one of my best friends. I was so scared that he was now going to hate me. I hated myself for what I did to her.

Y/N's scared face burned into my memory. I couldn't get how she cried at me out of my head. I hurt her. I hurt her... I fucking hurt her.

Hoseok picked me up and put me on the couch. I was shocked to say the least. I never thought he was violent. My cheek hurt as hell. Yoongi was small, but he packed quite a slap. I cried into Hoseok's chest, where he rubbed my back. I begged that there wasn't going to be a bruise where he hit. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

I heard Namjoon clear his throat, causing me to look up. He said that he was going to talk to Yoongi. I nodded and got off Hoseok's lap. I went to the bathrooms to look at my cheek. Luckily there wasn't a handprint on my cheek, but it still hurt like a bitch. I put some water on my face to hide the fact that I cried in case that Mr Bang came into the room.

I walked out of the bathroom and Yoongi along with Namjoon walked past me. He glanced at me, his eyes full of regret. I couldn't look at him. "Am I still allowed to see my daughter?" He asked me.
"Yes, you can. I can't let my child not know her father. Especially if I don't want anything to do with you." I sighed.
"R-Really? You mean it?" He gave me a confused look.
"Yes." I looked at him.
"Thank you. You have no idea how sorry I am for hurting you. Please forgive me." He looked at Namjoon to leave us alone.

"I can't just forgive you like that, Yoongi. Just give me some time." I looked into his eyes.
"Ok." He smiled sadly looking down slightly.

I walked back into the practice room. He followed behind me and the members finally began their practice session. I sat on the couch and flashed a smile at Hobi, who was staring at me with worry on his face. This made him smile.

Y/N looked a lot better when she came back into the practice room. I was worried when she ran out earlier. I was mostly worried that she was going to quit being our manager. When she came in, I couldn't help but worry about her again, especially because Yoongi came in behind her. I looked at her with worry filled eyes. She simply just smiled at me and my mood immediately changed. I smiled at her.

We began practicing the dance for the album's title track, Blood Sweat and Tears. We ran through it twice. Jin was having some difficulty with one of the moves so I worked on it with him. Another staff member came into the room with a camera. It was Bangtan Bomb day. The camera was set up.

The camera started rolling. I helped Jin with the moves he was finding most difficult in Blood Sweat and Tears. When I taught dance, I always made little noises. Y/N's soft giggle was heard as I was teaching Jin. Y/N went and picked up the camera. She walked a little closer to Jin and I while we were working on the dance.

In the corner of my eye I could see Yoongi glaring at us. I think it was definitely clear that Yoongi had feelings for Y/N. She seemed oblivious to it. I liked Y/N a lot as well and I liked that we were close to each other.

Y/N put the camera back on its stand and sat back on the couch again. Yoongi was on one side and he was on the other. Yoongi was on his phone. Y/N was on hers. She glanced over at him before typing something.

A pair of fingers clicked in my face, causing me to blink a couple of times. Jimin was trying to get my attention so we could practice the dance.

Y/N and I were texting each other.

Y/N, I want to make it up to you somehow. I feel awful for hitting you. I am so sorry.

Yoongi, stop it. If you want to make it up to me, then give me some space. That includes texting me.


I put my phone down. My gaze went to Y/N who studied my face. I raised an eyebrow at her. She frowned and looked over at Hoseok. I found myself still staring at her. She was beautiful, everything about her was. The way her eyes lit up when she smiled. Her smile alone could light up any room she was in. The way her hair bounced when she was laughing at something. Even her laugh was beautiful. She was an amazing dancer as well. I remember when I saw her group perform. I was so mesmerised by her movements.

"You like Y/N, hyung!" Jungkook said to me quietly.
"Jungkook! Shut up before I kill you." I glared at the Maknae
"You like Y/N noona. Yoongi hyung and Y/N noona." Jungkook giggled and ran to tell Jimin and Tae.

He was so going to be dead if Y/N heard him. I wanted to hide any feelings I had towards Y/N because it was clear that she had feelings for Hoseok. As much as I hated seeing them together, I wanted Y/N to be happy even if it wasn't with me. As long as I could continue to see my daughter, even if it was only when Y/N was going on dates with one of my best friends.

Bang PD-nim came into the room. I stood up and rushed to stand with my members. We said hello in sync because that is what you did when the CEO of your company came into the room. He said a quick hello to us and then went towards Y/N.

They began talking about the comeback stages in Hong Kong and when we would be flying over there. While they were talking, we went back to practicing our dance. The dance was pretty much ready. Tomorrow we were going to be filming the dance practice video for our title track.

We were travelling in the van on our way back to the dorm. Somehow the conversation turned to Y/N and Hobi's date. "The date was fun, man. Y/N is such a good person." Hoseok giggled.
"Did you kiss her?" Taehyung mumbled.
"No I didn't. I wanted to wait for the right moment. I don't want to rush things with her." Hobi explained.
"You better do it soon, or you don't know, she might move on to someone else. Like Me." Jimin smirked.
"Jimin! Don't be an asshole." Namjoon hit Jimin's shoulder.
"What? I'm just saying." Jimin groaned.
"Well don't just say anything." I growled.
"Also Jimin, don't talk about Y/N as if she was an object she is our manager at the end of the day." Jin finally cut in.

I was so done with today and just couldn't wait to get home and sleep.

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