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Beethoven – Romance No. 2 in F Major


today was everything my younger self would've wanted.

even, needed.

i sat on the sidelines of Hoseok teaching a kids dance class. it was one of the cutest things i had ever experienced. seeing him stand at the front, kids dancing and waving at their parents, music loud, catchy and bubbly and everyone singing along to the words. it was a true and nice environment.

i made sure to give Hoseok my thumbs up.

as everyday passes, i find herself learning and enjoying life in his presence. i wishe i could tell him, i could, i feels but i'm afraid of what he'd think. usually, nothing scares me.

at the end of the session which flew by, i helped the kids with their coats, retrieving their bags and putting on their shoes for them. i've always liked kid's which is why i don't mind babysitting back at the house. it's an innocent distraction. i learn more from them than they do from me and i love it.

"you didn't have to stay." Hoseok said when the children had left.

"no, i wanted to watch you." i smiled, hands patting down my long skirt. "you're good with kids, they enter and leave with smiles." i complimented him, realising i do that a lot which is a good thing.

Hoseok is a person who doesn't receive many, i can tell, which is why i give him many. "i try my best." he said, mentioning how he loves kids too.

"i can tell you do. i'm proud of you." i couldn't help but say.

"let's slow dance."

Hoseok switched on the music, as he had done many times before. i wondered in that moment, had he ever done it for someone romantically?

"do you feel like we're always meant to do something?" he was the only one allowed to hear such thoughts from me. no one else i trusted and i didn't even know him properly. i guess me being away from the house and into society, made me want to confide in the one person who wanted to know me genuinely. would he stay though?

"how do you mean?"

"like we're expected to fit certain roles and live up to certain expectations?"

"oh of course, sometimes i feel like that's all we're meant for." Hoseok thinks. "kind of like test tubes for our parents."

i nodded, smiling. "that's a good way to put it." i noticed how his hands stayed respectfully on my waist and in my hand. he seemed lost in thought as we moved gracefully. "is it something that's been on your mind lately?"

"yeah," he twirled me around, hand still clasped in mine. "with all my friends at university, still studying... it makes me wonder if i should be there with them." he admits, thoughts masking over his mind with big emotions.

"it depends," i said. "are you happy not being at university and running a dance studio?"

"actually yes, i'm really happy." Hoseok smiled down at me, face away from mine. he seemed so illuminating when he admitted his happiness. to see him in such a state is a blessing. "really fucking happy." he breathes out.

"then that's all that matters right?"

"i didn't go either," i mentioned, still dancing to the music that had changed and didn't match. "i didn't exactly have a choice. staying at home is apparently the best thing for girls."

"i'm used to it now, but the point is..."

i continued to talk, feeling confident under Hoseok's gaze, "having a degree wouldn't make our lives any easier if that's not the path we wanted you know?"

"i do know," Hoseok nodded, bringing me closer. the romantic intimacy was apparent and i couldn't help but blink in innocence. "you're a wise one... how did i get so lucky?"

i had never been more confused as i looked into his bronze eyes. what did he mean? lucky to have me as a friend? to have met me?

and my confused self really thought he was going to kiss me.

but he didn't, he continued to dance with me until something caught his eye.

he was looking at the rain that had just started to pour down when we were about to leave. i stared out of the window walls and noticed how my father's office was opposite the dance studio. has it always been there?

"just our luck."

"i've never liked the rain until now."

i don't feel an ounce of worry when i'm with Hoseok. although weeks had flown by, spending time with him made me confide in him, want to stay on his arm and be reassured of his safety.

so we walked out into the rain, arms linked without an umbrella. he guided me towards the shelter of the office and i don't know why i didn't feel nervous at the thought of my father possibly being so close.

we stood underneath, arms unlinking which made me look up in surprise. i met Hoseok's concentrates gaze back, eyes meeting. the only thing that could be heard was the rain, just like the day we had first seen each other.

his hand reached to caress my cheek and as if on instinct, my hand clasped around his wrist. he leaned forward and captured my lips with his, kissing me in a way that couldn't be explained by books, movies or paintings.

it was unexplainable, our first kiss.

"i hope this is okay." he pulled away shortly, hand still holding my cheek as i pulled him closer.

"it's more than okay." i tugged him into me, kissing him again as i felt him smile through the kiss. he had no idea he now had the title of my first kiss, forever.

he dropped me off home, walking with me in the rain. he couldn't help but kiss me at random times on the walk home, biting his lip when he wasn't kissing me. i love noticing the small details about him and his natural aura.

he kissed my palm before i left, pressing my hand against his cheek in absolute solace.

"i miss you already."

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