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Zion Hört Die Wächter Singen — Alessio Bax


Today consisted of me going outside and being active.

It's not something I do often. I'd rather lounge around in my spacious bedroom and bury my nose in books from decades ago. But today was badminton day.

Badminton days occur twice a week. It's an enjoyable, moving sport and the grassy field brings me freedom in a way I can't explain. I like forgetting about things for a while but the truth is, there isn't much to forget or distract myself from. My life isn't very entertaining. All my thoughts are part of me, they're always there so I don't have a choice but to confront them, let them exist and be one with my mind.

I had to wait for Rhea to arrive, she was too busy chatting to a younger, male player by the vending machine. She didn't seem to care about making me wait but it was okay because I watched the nature interact nearby.

The nature is always there for me.

My fellow player, Rhea arrived on the vast field minutes later, swaying her hips as she didn't bother to acknowledge me. I know she doesn't like to talk.

Whilst waiting, I had noticed two, similar aged boys playing beside me. They seemed to be playing for fun, it was evident from their giggles, their nicknames of 'Kookie' and 'Jimmy Jammy'. In my eyes, it looked like a cute friendship that'd most likely last a lifetime.

Badminton is one of my exceptions. It's one of the only times I get to leave the house, except for grocery shopping and bringing coffee to my fathers office.

"Straighten your posture."

"Make sure it hits the racket before throwing."

Rhea was advising me as soon as we started playing. I couldn't help but question her talent as she swiftly hit the shuttle, "When did you get so good at this?" She stayed focused on the game. "I want to be as good as you."

"You are good." Rhea didn't meet my eyes.

I smiled. It was nice to receive a compliment from someone I had to learn from. "Thank you. I put all my strength into badminton." I declared and picked up the shuttle, immediately starting another game between us.

"Although... I am very weak." I pointed out, aware that Rhea was no longer listening. "That's what my father says anyway."

I remember sighing as I thought about my father. "Do you think crying makes one weak?" I wanted another person's opinion but I don't know many civilians. Soon, I immediately got distracted by Rhea's techniques. "You hit the shuttle so swiftly. I am relieved to be able to play with you." I gushed.

Rhea aimed the shuttle. "Less talking, let's play."

Then a shuttle that's not ours, fell onto our side of the field. It was from the boys' side. I picked it up with my free hand, walking over to the waiting, sweaty boys. I noticed a slight blush reaching ears as I handed it back to them by placing it in one's hand.

The black haired boy couldn't help but furrow his brows at me. He clutched the shuttle and stuttered. "Thank you. Y- You could've just thrown it back, you didn't have to walk all the way over here." He spoke politely.

"No worries." I smiled and moved away before looking at the other boy who was smiling. "Hey, I like your pink hair."

The boy grinned wider, eyes disappearing. "Thank you. I like your braids." He thanked me for my compliment and gave me one back too. How nice.

My smile reached my eyes. "Anyway, have a nice day!"

As I walked away, back to my side of the field, I heard the boys' voices grow more distant but still distinct in my ears. "I've never met a girl so nice, I swear." And the other replied with, "that's because we're so used to Elianna."


Elianna & Rhea mention :")

Rhea is from Fatalistic love, she isn't an important character but i thought it would be cool to include her!!

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