First Kiss

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It was well past midnight when Marius walked you to the front door of the chateau. You came back from your third date and you felt very shy, silently wishing that he would kiss you. "I had fun." you said to Marius. You couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment. You were still starstruck since the day you met him at one of Lestat's massive gatherings. "That's good, We shall do it again tomorrow night." said Marius. He smirked. "Yeah I'd like that." you replied. Still standing in front of the door to the Chateau. Marius's eyes were focused on your face and looking at how beautiful you were to him. Your eyes locked onto his and he leaned in slowly, he gently pressed his lips against yours, giving you a sweet and passionate kiss that made chills run down your spine. You returned the kiss and your mind was blown at how well he could kiss. The kiss awakened your senses in many ways that you were unfamiliar with. The elements of love, seduction, and endearment were all present in that kiss and he made you feel important. 

After a while he pulled away, and you smiled at him. "You're an amazing kisser." you said. Finally able to speak. "I only get better with time, and the more time I spend with you the better I shall get." he said. Flirting with you. You giggled and your lips met in another kiss, which was quicker than the last. You smiled. You were glad that Marius gave you your first kiss. 

"I love you Y/N" said Marius

"I love you too Marius." you replied. 

And with that you sealed your love with one last kiss. 

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