Your second child comes

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Months had gone by, you and Marius had gotten closer each day. He always treated you like a queen and was always there to protect you. David and Lestat were both happy for you, they enjoyed watching the relationship grow between you and Marius. Since you were with child Marius had spoiled you with many gifts, he also found your cravings to be adorable. Lestat found them to be hilarious. Pandora also found them to be adorable. "I can't tell you how many sweets she will go through in a day." Pandora laughed while speaking to Marius one evening. Marius couldn't help but laugh as well. Most days he would find you watching a movie while eating a ton of sweets. One night Lestat found out you were watching The Lost Boys, his eyes lit up and he joined you. The lost boys was his favorite film! Anytime someone mentioned it his eyes would light up and he would blush like crazy. Sometimes you would joke around with him and say that he looked like the main character Michael Emerson. He always found it amusing when you said that. 

As your due date approached you became more nervous, Pandora assured you that everything would be just fine and that her and Marius will be there. You smiled when she said that. Pandora's words always made you feel better. One day you were walking with Pandora in the castle gardens when all of sudden you started to feel pain in your belly, you brushed it off at first but then the pain got worse. You groaned. "My lady y/n, are you alright?" asked Pandora as she came to you. "I think it's time....damn it hurts." you groaned. "Alright, I will bring you to your room and summon the midwife." she said. you smiled weakly and thanked her. Soon enough you were lying in bed, your hands placed on your stomach and groaning as more contractions hit. The midwife arrived, she was very excited that it was time. As the midwife got ready for the childs arrival, Pandora went to get Marius. 

Marius was in a meeting with the rest of the great family, discussing matters that were most important. But as the meeting progressed he couldn't help but worry about you and the child. Next thing he knew he felt another presence enter the room, he turned to see Pandora running in. "Pandora? What is wrong?" he asked. the others looked as well. "It's y/n, the child is coming." she said. That was all Marius needed to hear to start running upstairs to your room. Pandora followed. 

Marius entered the room and came to your side. "Marius it hurts." you groaned. "I know darling, don't worry I'm right here." he said. He told you that you are a strong woman and that you can do this. You smiled weakly before saying "I am never doing this again." you laughed weakly. Marius laughed. "You do not have to." he said. Pandora came in with your first child Priscilla de Romanus. Marius smiled and picked her up. "I'm going to be a big sister!" she exclaimed. Making you and Marius laugh. "Yes my dear one, you will be." he said. The next thing you knew a bigger contraction hit and the midwife said it was time. Marius set Priscilla down and told Pandora to wait outside. They left the room, leaving you with Marius and the midwife. "Alright y/n, it is time. Marius tell her to keep looking at you." said the midwife. Marius nodded and held your hand. He is really sweet and helps in anyway that he can. He continued to encourage you and praise you by whispering sweet words as you gave it your all. Soon enough it was all over and the baby was here. You cried tears of joy as the midwife handed the child to you. Pandora sensed it and rushed to tell everyone the news as you and Marius got to know the child. "It's a boy." you said. Marius smiled with tears in his eyes. "What shall we name him?" you asked. Marius thought for a moment before coming up with a name. "Torrence de Romanus." he said. You smiled. "Ok, Torrence it is." you said looking at the child. 

Your daughter came in and got to see her brother, she smiled. "My brother is here!" she exclaimed. "Hello Torrence, I'm Priscilla." she said. Making you and Marius laugh. You looked at Marius and said. "that is the last time I am having a child." you laughed. He laughed and you spent the rest of the evening with your family. 

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