Chapter One

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A lot's changed in the last four months.

Jasper won't talk to anyone after Maya's death. He just gets drunk and goes crazy. Monty will always try to help, but it doesn't do any good.

Camp Jaha has been renamed Arkadia since Jaha came back, went a little crazy after hallucinating about his dead son, Wells, and took Murphy and a few others to search for the mystical 'City of Light'. I hope they die on the way. At least, Jaha and Murphy. I don't know the others.

Raven has more or less recovered from Finn's death. Everyone recovered from the bone marrow extraction process, though most of us still have nightmares about it.

I don't see Kadian's ghost anymore. I guess I finally got some closure.

Lincoln's been banished from the grounders, so if he leaves the gate, they have all rights to kill him. Octavia's been really mad about that.

And while I was nearly dying in Mount Weather, Octavia was made Indra's second, but then lost the title after helping save the rest of us when the alliance was broken.

I sighed at all the things that have changed.

Clarke hasn't come back. It's been four months. We gave up on looking for her.

I still sit on top of the Ark. It's practically where I live, besides when I'm hunting. When Clarke left, she took most of the excitement with her.

Octavia got a grounder tattoo, and her hair was partially braided so that she still looked like a full grounder. Her tattoo looked like small blades or thorns falling from her neck down her right upper arm.

I figured if Lincoln was handing them out, why not? Mine were new, so they were still slightly red yesterday, but they were mostly normal now.

There were stars on my right shoulder, some falling down my upper arm, leaving comet trails behind them.

On the outside of my left shoulder, there was my clan symbol, two layers of ripples and a double wave above them. Around that, there were circles of what seemed to be riptides, spiraling waves, and more ripples, stopping at my elbow.

They were beautiful. My right shoulder showed the day my life changed for the better, but my left would always serve as a reminder of who I was.

Part of who I was happened to be inked into my face as well. A crescent moon opened upwards on my forehead, while moon shaped tear drops slid down from my eyes. I loved them.

My hair was still partially braided, but pulled back in what the Skaikru call a ponytail.

As the sun rose, I slid down the side of the Ark, throwing my brown leather jacket on over the top of my midnight blue vest. I had cut off the sleeves of the jacket because they were old and had black bloodstains and holes all over them.

"Ready for patrol?" Bellamy asked.

I nodded, and walked over to join Octavia, who was mad at Lincoln about something, probably joining the guard.

"Your horse is waiting for you," I reminded her. She walked with me to the stables, and as she mounted her chestnut brown mare, I mounted my midnight black stallion.

We trotted out of the gate. The rover, carrying Jasper, Monty, Bellamy, and Miller was driven by Raven.

"Try to keep up," Octavia smirked as her horse broke into a gallop. I followed, and the rover drove right beside us.

I could hear music playing over the rover's loud speaker, and everyone singing along. I would join them if I knew any of the lyrics.

Still, I enjoyed myself, throwing my arms up into the air with joy as we galloped through meadows and forests. It was all beautiful.

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