Chapter Eight

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That was beyond wrong in a million ways. All efforts to give me the chip will fail. There's no way I'll trade my memories for peace.

Besides, I'm a warrior. Gonakwin, as the guard started calling me. I was built for the fight.

"Whatever happens," I said to Octavia, "Don't take one of those chips. And if anyone asks, that's what this conversation is about."

"It is, right now," she pointed out, "What do they do?"

I took a deep breath, "In order to make you feel no pain, it erases it from your memory. Raven can't remember who Finn is."

She glanced at Raven across the camp, "I'll think about how wrong that is later. For now, go to the storage room. The meeting's in there."

"Thanks," I said.

As I walked to the storage room, Bellamy asked  where I was going, "Just to grab the weapons for training from the storage room."

I realized that was a terrible lie. We had no training today. I had to come up with something, fast.

"We have no training today," Bellamy said, puzzled.

"You don't," I cocked my head to the side, I'm training with Octavia today."

Bellamy frowned, "She's not in the guard."

"Lincoln trained her," I smiled, "It'll be more fun than fighting you."

His feelings were not hurt. I think his ego at the time was too big for that. He only laughed a little and walked away.

"What are you doing here?" Miller asked, sat at a table with Kane and Harper.

"Joining the right side," I answered.

Harper raised an eyebrow, "You're the new spy in the guard Octavia told us about?" I nodded, "But you seemed so calm."

"How do we know she's not lying, spying for Pike?" Miller asked.

"I don't care if you trust me or not, but Pike just led a massacre on my people while they slept. Even if I weren't a grounder, I'd still say that's wrong," I said, "Look. Most of the guard don't hate me anymore, and Bellamy trusts me. You could use my help."

Kane nodded, "We have a bug in the chancellor's office. Pretend to find it in a meeting, get them to trust you even more."

"And meanwhile, you'll be our spy in that office," Miller agreed.

"Go now, I heard what you told Bellamy," Harper said, "Train with Octavia until the next meeting today. Meet us here and tell us what you find."

I left the room and walked over to Octavia, "Bellamy asked where I was going. The only thing that would get him out of my way was me saying I'd train wit you."

Octavia smiled, "You're going to enjoy this, aren't you?"

"Maybe a little," I raised the Azgeda sword.

For a while, she blocked my attacks, and unblocked her's. We circled each other for a while.

As she began to over power me, forcing me to yield a few steps, I held her attack in front of me, closing my eyes.

My warrior training began before I left Samukru. So what had I learned? My instructor's voice rang in my head.

Close your eyes. Imagine the wind. It is powerful and bows to no one.

This wind can cut like daggers. It can kill. Feel the lightning crackle through you. Be the wind, Sky. Be the storm.

I smiled.

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