Chapter Fifteen

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I know the last chapter was kind of short, sorry about that. Anyways, this is more of an epilogue than a final chapter, but I'm calling it a chapter anyway.

My eyes shot open, and I sat upright. Looking at my stomach, the three bullet holes were nothing but scars.

As I looked around the lab, I found a note from Clarke.

I know this must be confusing, but if you're awake, I think you should watch the video on this flash drive. It explains everything, just plug it into the computer. ~Clarke

I plugged in the small black flash drive, and watched as the computer screen lit up.

It showed Clarke with short hair cut to her shoulders, smiling, "Hey, Sky. If you're watching this, it means that obviously you're alive, so your nightblood saved you from the radiation. You fell into a coma, so you missed a lot. You should know that its been a few months since we defeated A.L.I.E. Another wave of radiation swept through the world."

I didn't let myself think of the hundreds of deaths that would mean.

"Octavia almost everyone into a bunker, but some of us didn't make it," Clarke continued, "My mom made me a nightblood so I can survive the radiation, but the others couldn't. Jasper committed suicide because he couldn't deal with the loss anymore. Harper, Bellamy, Echo, Raven, Emori, Monty, and Murphy have just gone up to what's left of the Ark in space to escape the radiation. I didn't make it to the ship in time."

"Anyways, there's enough rations left here to last a week. You should check the timer I left going so you can see what year it is and all. It's probably been a while. I have left to find a survivable part of the world, and I hope you can join me there some day. Goodbye, Sky. I really miss you."

The others were safe. That was good. But I checked the timer. Six years exactly. I guessed I was twenty-six now, but I didn't really care.

But as I opened the door, I looked around to see the world in rubble and ruins, but I knew there had to be something left.

So I started traveling. Across the desert that was all that remained of the lake to the sand dunes beyond. Past that, I saw something that was a miracle.

It was Shadow Valley, home of the Louwoda Kliron clan. At least it was.

The radiation had entirely skipped the valley. So I slid down the steep hill to see a bunch of people I didn't recognize. I guess a lot can change in six years?

But I felt an electric shock in my back, and the world went dark.

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