Chapter Three

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"I don't know," Octavia gasped slightly.

"Wait five minutes," I told her, "Then tell the others where I've gone."

Octavia frowned, "I'm coming."

"Bellamy would kill me," I said, "Besides, I need someone who won't come rushing after me telling me it's too dangerous to tell the others. But wait five minutes so they aren't right behind me. They're slow and they are not stealthy."

"Okay," Octavia resigned, "Be careful."

I smiled, "Where's the fun in that?"

Vanishing into the shadows of the trees, I followed Bellamy's tracks. Then, once I could see the cave, I entered it silently.

I heard Clarke warn, "Look out!"

Then, I heard a thud, most likely the Azgeda warrior shoving Bellamy over.

"Please don't kill him," Clarke pleaded.

I entered the center of the cave. Before the Azgeda saw me, my new sword was at his throat.

"Stand down," I growled, "Or die."

"Foolish child," in a few swift moves, I was pinned against the wall, his sword at my throat, "You can't defeat me."

Clarke begged, "Don't kill them! Please!"

The grounder looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before tightening his grip on his sword, "Yu gonplei ste odon."

My fight is certainly not over.

"Yeah, right," I punched him in the shoulder. His sword moved away from my neck enough for me to shift my weight and land a kick in his stomach.

He had been trained not to react, so all he did was back up a few steps. I twisted myself around and held a blade to Clarke's throat.

"What are you doing?" Bellamy demanded.

"He needs Clarke alive," I said, "Stop or she's dead."

The grounder hesitated.

"Please don't kill them," Clarke pleaded once more.

The grounder nodded. I put my sword away, but he then sliced at my leg. I didn't have enough time to dodge.

The force sent me flying down to the ground. He did the same to Bellamy before taking Clarke and leaving.

"You good?" I asked, gritting my teeth against the pain in my leg.

"I've been better," he replied. We waited a few minutes before Octavia came bursting in with the others.

Pike made quick assumptions, "This grounder tried to kill one of our own-"

"Idiot," I mumbled.

"No, she saved my life from the grounder that just took Clarke," Bellamy snapped.

Octavia handed me a piece of cloth from her vest, and I accepted it gratefully.

Tying it around the wound to slow the bleeding, I stood up.

"What's wrong with her blood?" Pike apparently saw the dark stains on the floor.

"Trick of the light," Bellamy answered.

I gave him a grateful look before walking out of the cave, "They went this way."

"We go back to Arkadia and regroup," Kane said, "You two need to see Abby."

"I can walk," I said as I staggered into a tree, leaning on it to support my weight for a moment.

Kane grabbed my shoulder, "It would slow us down. We will come back."

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