Chapter Ten

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"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," I said, "this is what traitors deserve, right?"

He left.

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into all of this," Kane said.

"I dragged myself into this," I sighed, "What scares me the most is that he doesn't even see it as wrong."

Kane shrugged, "Azgeda attacked Pike's people. He hates grounders."

"Look, you need to get out of here," Lincoln said.


Lincoln shook his head, "Because Lexa's dead."

How did he know this? How did she die?

"And you're a nightblood," Lincoln finished.

The other grounders in the cell looked at me like I was a completely different person.

"The conclave will take place in a few days," I said, "Do you have an escape plan?"

As dawn, they arrived to take us outside. There was a security breach of sorts, so they held us in a separate room for a while.

Abby opened a tile in the floor and forced the four of us to John her. We closed the floor above us.

When the door reopened, the guards were unconscious. Pike assumed someone broke us out, and the all left to find us.

We climbed out of the floor, where Abby said, "That was where Octavia hid for sixteen years."

"Kinda cramped," I pointed out. Then again, it was meant for one person, not five.

We rushed down the hallway to a secret hatch that Octavia opened, "In here."

An announcement sounded, "Turn yourselves in or the other grounders die in your place."

Lincoln froze, then pushed us all through the hatch. He said to me, "Whatever it takes, win that conclave."

He then told Kane to keep Octavia safe. He closed the hatch. The rest of us escaped out of the fence, but stopped at the top of the hill.

Octavia watched as Pike executed Lincoln.

No one could move as he fell to the ground. Kane grabbed Octavia and brought us to a cave where we'd be safe.

Bellamy was inside, chained up.

"Where's Indra?"

"She said Lexa died, ran off to something called a conclave."

Octavia was about to attack him and demand the truth, but I stopped her, "Lexa is dead."

"Then the next commander could destroy Skaikru," Octavia said, "All the nightbloods were trained by Lexa, but not many of them agreed with her."

"The next commander will be me," I checked all my weapons that Abby had gotten me.

Bellamy shook his head, "No."

"I wasn't asking permission," I snapped.

"You said it yourself, they were all trained from birth," Bellamy said, "They'll kill you."

I nodded grimly, "That's a risk I have to take."

"No," Octavia agreed, "We need you."

"I'll be more useful from there-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my head. I fell, unconscious.

I woke up with my right hand attached to the same chain as Bellamy.

"I'm sorry," Octavia said, "We can't risk it."

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