Chapter Seven

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Training the next day was just as fun. For me, at least.

I was training the others in how to use grounder weapons in case they ever had to.

Having taught them how to throw spears, I realized they weren't good with aiming throwing objects, so I skipped throwing daggers, only demonstrating for them.

But they were used to the sights on a gun, so once I got them used to the different angle on the bow, they actually shot arrows on the target. Not close to the center, but on the target.

They weren't the best at judging the wind, so I gave up on teaching them long range combat.

"I guess you are better at adapting," Bellamy said as I came close to the bullseye with a rifle.

"You taught me how to use guns in the very boring four months after Mount Weather," I reminded him.

He smiled, "So you had a great teacher."

"No, I'm just adaptable," I joked.

Most of the guard had better aim than me with hand fins, but I was just as good as most of them with rifles.

"I guess most of you have been trained in short range weapon enhanced combat?"

Nods all around.

"Good," I said, "Train like your life depends on it. Someday, it will."

Another old saying from my clan, one that served me well once they were gone. My heart burned at the memory.

"Pick a weapon," I had laid weapons down on the table.

"We shouldn't be able to shock lash anyone in close combat," Miller protested, "Rules of training day it needs to be a fair fight."

I smiled, "Let me make this clear. The only rule in fighting is to survive."

Most of the others grabbed the shock lashes, but I settled for a dagger. I saw the cocky grin on their faces.

That would vanish soon.

After beating everyone I fought, I paired them up so they each fought someone with a similar skill level.

Since Octavia had been eloping train Bellamy, he was the only one close to ready to fight me.

"Gona Kwin," he repeated my new nickname, "Warrior Queen."

I nodded. I bet Lincoln was happy to see him (note the sarcasm).

Like the others, he had a shock rod. Every time I came close to defeating him, a small outburst of anger would overpower me.

But, every time he came close to beating me, his arrogance got the better of him.

Our fight lasted at least five to ten minutes. The others were exhausted from their battles, and were all watching.

It came to an ultimatum of sorts. By charging at him, blocking the shock rod with my dagger, I forced his hand.

He had to take a step back, but instead of retreating a few steps as I had expected, he turned on the electricity.

The current flew straight through the metal dagger. I hadn't expected this, but I had an idea.

I collapsed into a low crouch, coughing and gasping for breath long after the effects of the shock had worn off.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy rushed over to me to see if I was dying.

Once he was within arms reach, I sprung back to my feet, knocked the shock rod out of his hand, and had a dagger at his throat.

All before he even knew what was happening.

"Doesn't that count as cheating?" He asked after yielding.

"I told you," I grinned, "The only rule is to stay alive through whatever means necessary."

Once the others dispersed, I began clearing up the weapons. Bellamy grabbed my arm, "I thought you were dying."

"It'll take a lot more than a little zap to kill me," I grinned.

"Just don't do that again," he sighed.

I saw the worried expression on his face, "What's wrong?"

"Octavia brought Clarke into camp to convince me not to attack the villages, but she left before I could get Pike."

"Oh," I shrugged, "I guess that means Lexa's a little angry."

With that, I brought the weapons inside. As a member of the guard, I had to walk around in a bulky, uncomfortable jacket, but at least I could walk around with weapons.

I had a dagger slotted into each boot. I had the sword I took from the Azgeda warrior at my waist, and I had a gun strapped to my right thigh.

I stopped carrying around my bow. I was good enough with the gun for the time being.

Bellamy had no idea the value of what he just told me.

Now I know who to spy for.

"Heard you got Clarke into camp," I stated when I saw her, carefully checking no one was listening.

"Here to arrest me?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I got myself into the guard. Bellamy trusts me again, and now, so does Pike."

"Good for you," she grunted, "Now you won't end up in a cell like the rest of the grounders."

"I didn't do it all for nothing," I informed her, "I've been getting myself up to a high position for a reason."

She looked at me like I was crazy. I probably was.

"So," I said, "Next time you see Clarke, tell her she has another spy in the guard."


I smiled, "Miller and Harper."

"You know about that?" Octavia asked cautiously.

"I get it if you don't trust me, but just tell me where they're meeting. And tell them that they have a new ally on their side."

Octavia nodded, "And my brother?"

"I'll do the best I can to keep him out of the line of fire," I sighed, "He sure makes that easy, running into every big fight."

"Anyone asks," Octavia said, "We were talking about how to stop your insane headaches without seeing Abby."

I'd still go see Abby, though, my hand was still a little painful from training, and from when I took out all my anger on a tree a couple of days ago.

I nodded and walked away, saying loud enough for anyone nearby to hear, "That's a good idea, maybe I'll try that. Thanks!"

If all went well, I just got myself some allies, people who hate Pike nearly as much as I do.

And if everything went wrong, I would just end up in a cell again.

If they could catch me.

But I saw Jaha arrive back at Arkadia as I climbed the Ark.

Maybe that meant Murphy's still alive too. That stupid cockroach won't die.

He wasn't there. Instead, I saw him carrying around small chip, but I couldn't see them clearly.

I heard him say, "There is no pain in the City of Light. All you have to do is eat this."

There's no way I'm going to trust him and eat one of those, even if it heals pain.

But I got a feeling that whatever those chips did, it was about to change everything.

But when Raven took the pill the next day, I started talking to her.

"Do you ever see Finn's ghost?" I asked. Only people who felt guilty did, normally. But I wanted to know.

She looked at me, confused, "Who's Finn?"

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