Chapter Six

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I woke up in darkness, "What happened?"

"You're awake?" Lincoln asked.

"No, I'm just talking in my sleep," I answered grumpily.

He said, "All grounders have ended up in a holding cell. I understand why I'm in here, I'm an adult and I stabbed Finn at some point, but you're just a kid."

"Just a kid?" I asked, "I stopped being a kid twelve years ago."

A guard banged on the metal grate acting as a door, "Bellamy wants to talk to you."

"Tell him to go float himself," I snapped, using the phrase so common among Skaikru.

"I heard they put you in holding," Bellamy said.

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks so much for supporting a leader that wants to keep me in a cage."

"It's for your safety," Bellamy said, "With all the riots going on."

"Is that what you're telling yourself?" I asked.

Bellamy sighed, "These people are dangerous, Sky-"

"The ground is dangerous," I interrupted, "I've survived just fine until you showed up."

"Pike is offering you a position on the guard," Bellamy said, "He also said that if you try to warn the grounders or undermine his authority, you'll end up back in a cell."

I growled, "He's just as bad as Azgeda. Maybe worse."

"Would you rather live in a cell?"

"Trade one prison for another?" I asked, "Sure, why not."

Bellamy nodded, "Alright, Pike will be here later to talk."

"I'm not going anywhere," I let out a short, exasperated sigh.

He left.

"Bad idea," Lincoln informed me.

"I don't recall asking for your opinion," I glared at him, my eyes glazed over with anger.

About an hour later, Pike showed up, "I hope you're comfortable in this cell for the time being-"

"Cut to the chase," I snapped.

"I'm offering you a place in the guard," Pike informed me.

I shrugged, "Why?"

"Because you're a strong fighter," Pike said.

"Lincoln's stronger," I pointed out.

Pike frowned, "That's different-"

"Because he doesn't have the mind of a child that you can twist however you like?" I finished, "Neither do I."

"No," Pike said, "Because Bellamy wants you out of this cell. He trusts you."

That was unexpected.

"You should join us," Pike continued, "Join the right side of the fight."

"Give me one good reason why you killed that army," I demanded. I was waiting for a reason.

Pike sighed, "They were a threat. They had no reason to want us as allies, so they'd betray us."

"Wrong," I said, "Trikru and Azgeda have been- unfriendly for quite a while. We had a common enemy."

That wasn't the reason I was waiting for.

"They're grounders," Pike informed me as though I didn't already know, "Fighting is in their nature."

There's the reason.

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