Chapter Fourteen

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"We need to find Luna," Clarke stated the obvious.

"If she's not already dead," Octavia also stated the obvious.

We rushed out of the shipping crate and rushed to the sound of screaming. First, we untied Jasper, then with all of us put together, we fought off one of Luna's friends, who was controlled by A.L.I.E.

Luna killed him. As he slowly died in her arms, she whispered, "Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun."

"This is what you're against?" Luna asked.

"Evil robot possessed people who feel no pain?" Clarke nodded, "Yeah."

Luna then sighed, "I will have no part in it." Then, she passed Clarke a drink, "You leave in the morning."

Clarke muttered the pass phrase that triggered the Flame, quiet enough that I couldn't hear it, but Luna grabbed her hand, twisted it back, and had her in a chokehold in seconds, "I didn't run from my conclave because I was afraid of losing. I ran because I knew I would win."

"Sorry," Clarke mumbled before collapsing.

The drinks. They had the same sleeping drug in them. The world was blurry. The world was dark.

"No!" I awoke to Clarke's cry of rage and fury.

"I'm a nightblood. The last one that will help you," I walked over to her, "Just give me the Flame."

Tears dripped from her eyes, "It's just- I- Lexa is in there, and I can't-"

I wrapped an arm around her as she fell to her knees, "My dad got floated, which landed me in prison. My mom took the chip to save Raven. Now, she's under a mind control. Lexa took a bullet for me and it killed her. Now the world is ending, and it's all because I can't face her again."

"Not necessarily," I frowned, "I have an idea, but I need to go to that island where A.L.I.E. was created. Maybe I can find a way to stop her there."

"I'll come-" Bellamy offered.

I shook my head, "You need to stay here. Make sure the world doesn't end while I'm gone."

"How will you get there?"

"The caravan will be at Niylah's. She most likely bought a horse or two," I said, "I'll walk back to her shop, I'll grab a horse. I'll travel to the island, and I'll find a way to stop A.L.I.E. I'll be careful."

They all nodded in agreement.

Octavia walked over to me first, "Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim." Get knocked down, get back up. Basically Trig for 'don't give up'. She clasped my forearm into the typical grounder hug, pulling me into a hug.

Then, Jasper shrugged, "Don't die."

"Ste yuj," Clarke smiled. Stay strong, "Oso gonplei nou ste odon." Our fight is not over.

"We're warriors," I laughed, "Our fight is never over."

Last, Bellamy walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, "Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim." May we meet again.

Our foreheads touched as I whispered back, "Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim."

I turned and began walking into the woods while the others worked on their plan. I reached Niylah's after two days of traveling and sleeping in the trees.

"You're back?" She asked, "The others?"

"They're too busy saving the world," I grinned, "I was hoping you maybe had some horses from that caravan?"

Niylah nodded, "Out back. Thank you for the panther. You can take something from the store if you want."

"Thank you, Niylah," I said gratefully.

The sword at my waist was always in my way walking, so I repositioned it. I grabbed one other sword and placed it on the other side, so that they formed an X on my back. I still had daggers by my ankles and a gun at my thigh.

"Goodbye, Sky," Niylah said as I climbed up onto the speckled grey mare.

"Goodbye, Niylah," I replied as the horse galloped away.

This horse was fast. Bred for speed and strength. I only had to stop once to make camp, but when I reached the large lake that separated the island from the mainland, I dismounted and told the horse to run.

To be free.

She didn't hesitate, and I didn't blame her.

Having found a small sailboat, I hopped in and rowed across the lake.

When I reached the other side, I slipped through the woods under the cover of darkness. When I arrived at the triangle sticking out of the ground, I smiled, opening the door and slipping inside.

But as I looked around at all of Becca Praimheda's equipment, my stomach started hurting. I fell to my knees, and looking around, the world blurred again.

I pulled myself over to a medical bed, at least I tried to. But the world was too dark and everything hurt. I couldn't move.

Collapsing to the ground, all I saw was darkness.

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