Chapter Two

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We were nearly half way when we came across Indra and Kane. Moving to make room in the rover, I ended up squished between Monty and a metal wall.

"What are we after?" Kane asked.

"A distress signal from sector two," Bellamy said.

Kane frowned, "What's in sector two?"

"Nothing," Miller shrugged, having memorized all the sectors.

Bellamy pulled the rover to a stop in front of a fallen tree.

"That was no accident," Indra commanded, "Reverse now."

A fallen tree appeared behind the rover. Someone had blocked us in, "Great."

Bellamy opened the hatch on top of the rover when I grabbed his hand, "If it's more Azgeda warriors, you need someone who speaks Trig."

"Alright," he moved over for me to climb up out of the hatch.

Looking around, I saw nothing but trees, grass, and shadows between them. A firm grip grabbed my arm and a knife appeared at my throat.

"Everyone out or the girl dies," A deep voice commanded.

There was a small scuffle inside the rover before the back door opened. Kane appeared first, then Miller and Monty. Indra cautiously followed behind them as Bellamy hopped out the driver's door and Octavia out the passenger.

"Marcus?" The voice asked in disbelief.

"Pike?" Kane raised an eyebrow, "We thought you were all dead!"

I elbowed the man hard in the ribcage, "If you two know each other, you can move the knife." He grunted in pain as the knife moved. He deserved it, "Thank you."

"Marcus Kane," the man known as Pike mused, "Been a while." They hugged, "Bellamy and Octavia Blake. Monty Green. Nate Miller. I don't know you," he said to Indra.

"This is Indra," Kane informed Pike, "She's a grounder leader who's been assisting us for the last few months."

Indra nodded deeply, "Indra kom Trikru."

"They don't speak Trig," I reminded her.

"Indra of the tree people," she said.

Pike then turned to me, "Clarke Griffin, my favorite student, you've changed a lot."

"Umm," I said awkwardly, "I'm Sky."

"Clarke's missing," Bellamy informed Pike, "Again."

Pike then frowned, "You're working with grounders?"

"Believe it or not," I raised an eyebrow and smirked, "We're not all brutal savages."

"Not the ones we've met," Pike said, "White paint and burn marks. Brutes."

I nodded, "Ice nation. They shouldn't be this far south."

"Huh," Pike sighed, "So..." He and Kane started talking.

"He was in charge of farm station," Bellamy told me and Indra, "He also taught earth skills classes."

I turned to look over at Pike, "Well he did a great job, given the amount of times I've had to save your lives."

"Are you sure you can trust those grounders?" Pike questioned Kane, "I mean, the kid might not be able to do much damage, but that woman looks terrifying."

"I think you've got that backwards," Kane said, "Sky may be young, but she can keep up with Indra and the other adults any day."

Pike shivered, "You aren't helping with the distrust."

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