A letter to Bangtan

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Dear Bangtan,

I know it must seem hard right now

With the world under chaos

And many people's opinions on the other side

But I came here to let you all know

That everything is going to be okay

You were all there when we needed it the most

So now ARMY is here for you

We support you guys with all our hearts

And we want you all to have a happy life

You helped us bring light with all your music

And saved us from drowning

Now it's our turn to not let you guys walk alone

To not let our wings get cut off

And to encourage you to keep fighting

Those ignorants just like to talk

They don't know what they are saying

Don't let them get to your head

Many ARMYS have said you changed their lives

I am also one of them

You helped us have a voice

And speak out for our rights

You have done many things for us

Now it's our turn to do the same for you

We all love you so much Bangtan

Thank you for everything you have done

We are always here for you no matter what

ARMY will forever be united with Bangtan

Illuminating the sky full of light

We all love you all so much

Thank you for being the seven stars that made us shine

We love you

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