Mentally exhausted

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I am so tired of telling people

I am there for them

When I can't even be there for myself

I am mentally exhausted

And tired of the world

Being unfair to me

Sometimes I feel

Like I can't take it anymore

But all I can do is bottle it up

Be there for others

And make these endless poems

My days aren't moonless

Yet, what can I do about this pain in my chest?

Am I not allowed to feel suffocated?

Am I not allowed to be upset?

Can I stop being this magnificent person for once?

Can I break down for once?

Every single time I am upset

I turn around and see nobody by my side

Instead, I have to eat up all my sourness

And be there for others

While I am slowly dying inside

I can't talk about my feelings

Cuz everyone is so quick to judge

I can't talk about him

Cuz it's already in the past

I can't speak out my opinions

Cuz I only get talked over

Why is it that nobody understands?

That all I ever want

Is for someone to listen to me

I don't want advice

I don't want comfort

All I ever want

Is for someone to listen to me

And tell me

It's okay to cry, let it all out

That's okay to feel the sourness

And to be sad

But instead, I have to hold it in

And be there for everyone else

I have to push my anxiousness aside

And forget about my mental state

Just to help others

I am just so done with this world

I am also mentally drained

Can't you tell?

It's not all just about school and work

I have feelings too

I worry too

But how can I express them

When I feel like nobody is there for me?

How can I cry for help

When nobody is there to listen?

This overwhelming world isn't for me

I constantly feel judged by others

And I just can't take it anymore

I don't want to feel this uneasiness anymore

Why can't I just rant for once?

Is it that bad for me to speak my opinion?

That I still miss him

That I don't want to go to college

That all I want to do in life

Is lay down in the rain and watch the stars

Why is it that my opinion is never valid?

I'm sorry for disappointing you

I'm sorry for breaking down

But what can I do?

I am tired of everything and everyone

I am completely drained

And weak to keep fighting

Goodbye world


I'm sorry if I offended any of you. It was never my intention. I wrote this a long time ago when I was going through many things in my life. At that moment, I just wanted to get this off my chest. So again I apologize if I offended you 

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