Not a goodbye

10 1 0

Why is it that I am fascinated by death?

Why do I always picture my death?

Am I seeing that my end is near?

Is this going to be my last goodbye?

I always wondered why I felt this

I don't want this to be my goodbye

I want to keep making more memories

Yet, why does this all feel like a dream?

Why does everything seem so fake these days?

Why are these thoughts drowning me?

Are my accomplishments fake?

Have I gone insane?

I just don't want to leave yet

I don't want to say goodbye

I want to keep making more memories

And meeting new stars

I want to stop feeling suffocated

And feel alive and free

But what can I do

When my thoughts consume me?

What can I do with all this uncertainty?

I don't even know what day it is anymore

I don't feel motivated to do anything

I just want to sleep

And never wake up

But just know I'm not leaving yet

Because I am not ready to let go

And definitely not ready to say goodbye


Bacardi was getting to me at this point. All those quarantine thoughts kept eating me up inside, so the only was to detox was by writing <3

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