"The Prize" [JiMina]

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A day in his couch, Jimin can live a week without leaving his place. He usually play games or read books if he had anything new. Suddenly Jungkook, his roommate, rushes to him while holding up his phone. Jimin almost choke up on his drink because he was startled, Jungkook then faced the phone to him saying "Hyung, I heard that they're giving a huge amount of money to those who'll live a week in a hunted house"

"Then go there. At least, this apartment will be peaceful for a week" he coldly said then grabbed the controller beside him. Jungkook pouted at Jimin's response and had a bright idea afterwards.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to buy a new place? Then...this could be your chance to stay away from me?" He said with a smirk on his face. The older one flicked his forehead and said " It's a scam. Who would waste their money just for those?" He stood up but Jungkook pulled him back on the couch.

"It's just once in a lifetime. I'll annoy you more if you reject me" Jimin facepalmed and just accepted Jungkook's wish. The next day has passed and the two had already packed the things they needed for a week. They arrived at the venue and there were the crews who'll assist them. Soon, the few other challengers came, some looked fearless, some looked like they were. There were about 5 people who'll enter the hunted house.

"Hi! I'm Sana" a girl greeted the two but was pulled back by her boyfriend.
"And I'm his boyfriend. So don't even dare doing anything to her"

'Jeez. He's overprotective' Jimin sighed and turned around to see Jungkook shaking hands with a girl who looked like a bunny like him. "Hyung, meet Nayeon, my childhood friend" he said while hanging his arm on her shoulders. And Jimin already knew what's happening between the two so he just smiled awkwardly. After the five challengers greeted each  other, the staffs gave them cameras and instructions as well before going inside.

"If you stay there for a week, we'll give the winners a huge amount of prize. But if you decided to give up before the week ends, you can exit at the front door" The staff told them.
They decided to go inside together, walking in step-by-step, the hunted house isn't bad at all. It isn't dusty like what they saw on the movies but the furnitures are very old fashioned, old paintings are hanged upon the wall. Sana clinged onto Taehyung while Jungkook held Nayeon's hand. Jimin sighed in disbelief since he's the only one who doesn't have anyone to hold hands with. The sun is starting to set so they choose a room to stay in.

"Hyung, if you don't mind. Can I sleep with Nayeon? She's scared when she's alone" Jungkook begged him and Jimin just nodded as he enters into the room next to it. He felt shivers on his spine as he feels the cold air through the window. First, he filmed himself with the camera given to them as to vlog what's happening to them while they're inside the house. He was about to sleep after a long day when he felt someone behind him.

"Jungkook-ssi, if you'll sleep with Nayeon then don't switch rooms" he mumbled but there's no response until he felt a pair of cold hands touching his back. He already knew what it was and slowly grabbed the stick on the floor.

He quickly turned around only to see a beautiful woman staring at him. She then started to smile and reached her hand out "H-hi. I'm Mina". Jimin tilted his head and hesitated to accept her greeting.

"W-who are you?! Are you a ghost?!" Jimin yelled being confused. Mina bit her lower lip and slowly nodded her head. "Please. Don't be scared at me" she begged and somehow Jimin found her 'cute' while doing it.

Jimin sat beside her but still holds the stick behind him. "Is this your room? Sorry, if I had to use it for now" he apologized and Mina just blurted out
"Can I just sleep with you?"

Jimin was surprised by her sudden question and asked "Isn't it bad for strangers to sleep together?". Mina chuckled and laid herself on the bed, she patted the space beside her indicating for Jimin to sleep on it. They were facing each other when Jimin noticed how beautiful she really is to be a ghost. He was taken back when she unknowingly hugged him until their faces were just an inch apart. He whispered "You're so beautiful", thinking that she was really asleep. Mina quickly opened her eyes and smiled at him "Ghost don't sleep, Jimin-ssi"

He blushed at the sudden mistake he made and turned around until he fell asleep.


Morning has come and Jimin woke up with a smile on his face. He expected Mina to be behind him since he felt a pair of cold hands back-hugging him. "Good morning, Jiminie~"

"Good morning, Mina-yah~" he said sweetly but it was taken back when Jungkook smack his head all of a sudden. "Mina-yah?? Hyung, are you dreaming about girls again?" Jungkook asked while grinning at him. Jimin stood up and looked around the room to check if Mina was there but she wasn't. "I guess it was really just a dream" he said silently.

"Why don't you eat first and take a shower as well?"

"Is that why your hands were cold?" Jimin raised his eyebrows but Jungkook just shrugged "Well, I made some juice that's why it's cold"

They kicked the day off with some indoor games given to them by the staffs so they couldn't be bored at all. Jimin is bad at those games so he chose to read the old books instead. Though it's scary to be in that mini library alone, he loved it since it's the first time he wouldn't hear Jungkook's scream during the day.

"You're alone again?" Jimin turned his head at the door and saw Mina, still in that same dress. Of course, 'cause she's a ghost. "I thought y-you're just a dream" he stuttered upon seeing her again. "I knew you'd say that. But,did'nt you felt the hug i gave you last night?" she asked which made Jimin flustered at it. He never imagined a ghost to be flirty towards him,or...he never realized he'll fell in love with ghost as time passes by.

In fact, he's never been afraid of things like hunted houses or whatever, he was afraid of falling in love at the wrong person.

To be continued

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