"Foreign" pt. 2

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Another day Taehyung woke up normally on his bed and it's gonna be a better day for him since Sana isn't beside him, forcing to wake up at 7 in the morning even though it's his day off. He happily went downstairs but it felt silent since he haven't heard Sana and  Hoseok's loud voices and laughs.

"Where the heck are those two?" He asked himself while scratching his  nape. A few steps before he got onto the living room, he stepped on something pointy, a knife perhaps.

He suddenly got alarmed and rushed through the living room, there he saw Hoseok tied up on a chair while Sana was aiming a knife on his neck.

"Omo!" Taehyung screamed which made Sana flinch but smiled weirdly afterwards.

"Taehyung-ah, why don't you help me here instead? Your friend is a little bit... stubborn" she deepened the pointed knife on his neck and this time Hoseok let out a tear on his eye.

Taehyung can't handle the pain he's seeing and begged Sana to stop.
"Why are you doing this? After all we've done for you?And...since when were you good at speaking our language?" He got more confused and didn't knew what to do.

"It's a secret. Now, are you gonna help me here or die?"

"Just kill her already!" Hoseok yelled and Sana shut him off. Taehyung quickly grabbed the knife on the floor and tried to hit her with it.

But Sana had her reflexes fast that's why she managed to block him and in the end, Taehyung was knocked down.




Taehyung woke up from pain so the medic quickly helped him up. He was still confused at what happened since earlier, Sana was just about to kill Hoseok and now, it's all done?

"Wh-what happened? Am I dead?" He asked and a guy in suit suddenly came near to him as well as Sana.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim Taehyung. I'm Park Jinyoung, an investigator. We would like you to come with us" He offered and Taehyung easily agreed to them.

At a room where Taehyung and Mr. Park were the only ones around.

"Mr, can you please tell me now what the hell is happening to me? Where's Hoseok? And why didn't you catch Sana who's trying to kill him earlier?"

"Shouldn't you be thanking her for saving you earlier?" Mr. Park smiled a bit.


Sana's POV

"Aish. This suck" I groaned as I enter the bar full of crowded people.

'Remember to find him or else we'll have a hard time tracking them again'
Mr. Park says through my mini calling device so the enemies won't be suspicious.

I tried to avoid the perverts as possible as I can as I wait for Taehyung to pass out. He's been on that table in front of me for who knows how many hours has passed already.

And finally, he passed out, now I had my opportunity to grab him and luckily, he was able to tell me his address while he was drunk.

Jung Hoseok, I can't believe that I'm finally seeing the criminal we've been looking for a whole year already.

"Taehyung-ah? Oh, hi pretty lady. Proceed with what your doing with him" he smiled as if he haven't done a single horrible thing before.

I smiled to him as well and brought Taehyung all the way to his room. I wanted him to think that something happened to us that night so I grabbed a shirt nearby and wore it, I took off his upper clothes and slept beside him although this hurts my pride but for the mission I have to do it.

I had to act like I haven't been knowing who they are actually and it's pretty hard this time. It's a lie about my life in Japan since I was born as Japanese but I was raised in South Korea by Mr. Park, who adopted and saved me from an incident.

While Taehyung was asleep, I had my chance to jot down Hoseok. I went downstairs and saw him cooking breakfast.

"Oh Sana-yah, let's eat since Tae is gonna be late to wake up again" he offered as he places the breakfast on the table.

I was about to take a bite from my food when I got suspicious about it.

"I knew it all, Minatozaki Sana. My beloved enemy" Hoseok smirked as he grabs the knife but I luckily dodge it so it fell on the floor. I managed to pull the rope I hid and make him end up being tied up on a chair.

"Dad should've killed you as well before you even grew up" he sighed in disappointment.

"Well, I'm thankful for your Dad being—"



"Sana-ssi was nice enough to not finish you just like what she did to your friend" Mr. Park tapped his shoulder.

"But, he was my friend..." Taehyung said sadly now that his best friend is gone.

"Fake friends are easy to find but a true friend will come to you unexpectedly. Be patient and smart as well, Taehyung-ah"

Mr. Park stood up and grabbed his papers but before he does he told something to him, "And I almost forgot, Sana will be with you the whole day" he smiled and Sana enters the door while waving at Taehyung.

"What shall we do today?" She asks politely while staring at him.

"I don't know what to do when Hoseok's not around. He's the only one who knows how to make me have fun" Taehyung said in a weak tone. She immediately pulled his hands as they head out of the place.

She brought him on a amusement park and treats him in many rides and snacks still, Taehyung remained sad about what happened earlier.

He was walking straight ahead when Sana stood in front of him and slapped him hard on the face.

"Ah! Why'd you do that?!" He yelled as he groaned in pain.

"Taehyung-ah! All this time you're still stupid?" Sana clenched her teeth while crossing her arms.

"What do you even mean?" He says while continuing to massage his face.

"If I didn't liked you then you probably would've been gone along with your precious friend. Look, I asked Mr. Park to take you here today because I felt bad for what I did to you" she explains.

"You like me?" He asked in a poker face and Sana didn't hesitate to say 'Yes' anyways.

"Is there a problem?"

"I like you too" there he started to smile.

The end? I guess so 😂

~Miss Unnie~

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