Chapter 16: The Sleepover

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I invited a couple of friends to come over and go ice skating for some winter break fun. I invited Jammie and Emme, and Emme asked if her friend Rylee could join too. I said of course, the more the merrier.

I hear a knock on the door, and I open it, its Jammie.

"Merry almost Christmas!" She says.

"Merry almost Christmas indeed!" I say. Another car pulls into the driveway, it looks like Emme and her friend Rylee.

We go to the ice-skating rink at the plaza mall, it's a super cute and quaint rink that is outside. The four of us had a blast. After we ice skate, we have dinner at a local café then go back to my house. While watching a hallmark Christmas movie, Jammie says.

"I wish I had a boyfriend during Christmas time, then we could do cute Christmas things together."

"Me too." Rylee agrees.

"Do any of you have a boyfriend?" Jammie asks. Everyone shakes their heads no.

"Has anyone had a boyfriend?" Emme asks.

"I have had two, both were idiots." Jammie says.

"Boys are so difficult to figure out." Rylee says. "One day they're super nice and easy to talk to, then the next day they ignore you."

"I wish I could read their minds." I say. They all agree.

"Well, does anyone like somebody?" Jammie asks. Everyone is silent.

"Well, I don't know if I like him or have feelings or something, but I guess I kind of like this one guy." Rylee says, smiling a little.

"Really? Who?" Emme asks.

"Henry... I think." Rylee says.

"OH MY GOSH!" Emme shouts.

"I need to see a picture!" Jammie says and pulls out her phone. Rylee gives her his Instagram and we check him out. He looks tall, plays baseball, and definitely is good looking.

"Wow, what a heart throb." I say.

"How do you know him?" Jammie asks.

"He's in band and plays percussion... and does drumline and is my snare partner." Rylee explains.

"A good-looking percussionist, what a score!" Jammie says. "What about you two?"

"Oh, I don't like anyone, but I do talk to this one guy, but I would never date him. I wouldn't even say we are talking really, just friends." Emme says.

"Is it Mark?" Rylee asks.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Oh, I've seen you go to his house, I live two streets over and go on walks." Rylee says.

"His mom invites me over for dinner often, really." Emme says.

"Why would you never date him? Is he like your brother?" Jammie asks. "Just curious."

"Yeah, I guess you could say, and we are quite opposites. I know they say opposites attract but I just don't think it would work, you know?" Emme says.

"Yeah, makes sense." Jammie says.

"What about you Jammie?" Rylee asks.

"Oh, I know this guy Ethan likes me, but I don't know. He's ok, nice guy but nothing else you know?"

"Yeah, I guess you know when you like someone and when you don't like them." Emme says.

"You haven't said anything Kira, what about you?" Rylee asks.

"Um, I'm kind of like Rylee. I don't know If I like this guy." I say, blushing a little. Maybe I do like him.

"Who?" They all ask at the same time.

"Um, Aaron." I say quietly. All three of them shout with excitement.

"WAIT REALLY?" Rylee asks.

"NO WAY!" Emme says.

"OH MY THAT'S ADORABLE!" Jammie says.

"Wow, ok then." I say.

"Not going to lie, I think Aaron had a crush on me in elementary school, he gave me flowers at recess one day." Emme jokes, we all laugh.

"That's when liking people was so easy, and you had so much confidence to tell them. If I had the same courage as third grade me right now, I would ask all the boys out." Rylee jokes and laughs.

"Aw man that's so true! You know Kira, I always thought you and Aaron would be cute together, I never liked Lauren with him." Jammie says.

"Thank you?" I say.

"You know, Mark and Aaron are twins." Emme says.

"Oh my gosh no way! That's so crazy!" Jammie says and I nod. He already told me, but it's funny to hear from someone else at his old school.

"What a small world." Rylee says and we laugh.

"Now, I may not be an expert on the world of romance but let me give you some advice." Jammie says and pauses the movie. "One, do not over think the flirting. I know that is obvious, but trust me, don't do it. Two, be careful with your emotions around him, do not be too vulnerable unless you totally trust him."

"How would you define vulnerable?" Rylee asks.

"Like don't share your whole life story to him until you know he wants to hear it. Sometimes that can be a little too much. My first boyfriend told me all of his problems after one week of dating and I was in no way prepared for that, and I told him to go to the counselor because I didn't know what to do. But If you trust him, let him know what's going on. Does that make sense?"

"Yes." I say. Kinda already did that... whoops. But he told me stuff too...

"How do we know if they like us?" Emme asks.

"You will never completely know until they tell you, unfortunately. But sometimes they will drop hints, which leads me to ny next piece of advice. Boys are stupid, they do not understand practically anything romantic, like flirting. You know how there is like a girl language that we all understand?" Jammie asks, we all nod our heads. "Well, they don't understand that. So if you want to get a boys attention, make sure to get his attention."

"How?" I ask.

"Well, try on your own and I guess if it doesn't work, call me." She says and laughs.

"Eh, I think I'm good waiting for my hallmark man to run into me on the streets." Rylee says and laughs.

"Or meet him at a cute little café." Emme says. We all laugh.

"If only it was as simple as that." I say and sigh.

"If only it was as simple as a hallmark movie." Jammie says.

The next day after they leave, I take a shower and think about the conversation with Jammie. Do I like Aaron? He's so kind, and I did open myself up to him in the car... but he's also sometimes different around his friends. Does he like me? Maybe one day I will figure it out, Jammie mentioned that it can take one to two months to really like someone.

I sit on my bed after I change and scroll though Instagram. Aaron posted a photo of him, his brother Mark, and their mom. Aaron has the same facial structure as his mom, and her bright blue eyes. I hope he's having a good time there; he didn't seem too excited to go.

I walk downstairs and sit next to my brother on the couch.

"I hope we weren't too loud last night." I say.

"Nah, you guys were pretty quiet. Do you want to watch A Christmas Story with me?" He asks.

"Yesof course!" I say and smile. Just like old times. 

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