Chapter 29:I Don't Want to be Alone

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Aaron pulls up to my house when I notice that my dad's car is missing, and it's 11 pm on a Friday night...

"Um, that's weird." I say, looking for his car.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asks.

"My dad's car is missing, and he was home before I left." I say. I check my phone and realize I received at text from him 2 hours ago. I open it, it says Hey Kiddo, call me when you get home. I then call him, and he quickly answers.

"Hey Ki, how was tonight?" He asks.

"It was great, where are you?" I ask him. I look over at Aaron, he looks a little concerned.

"So, this morning your mom started to run a fever, but we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry, but then her temperature tonight was concerningly high. I took her to the hospital and she's going to stay the night so they can moniter her and figure out what caused the fever and if anything else is wrong." My dad explains. I sit for a moment, processing everything.

"I thought the fevers would go down when she finished chemo." I say shakily.

"Sometimes they can happen after surgery as well. I'm staying here with you mom tonight, we should be home late afternoon tomorrow if that's ok."

"Yeah, stay with her. Love you." I say.

"Ok, take care yourself, love you too." My dad says. I hang up and lower my arm.

"I can, um walk you to the door." Aaron says. I nod slowly and open the door and walk out. I try to keep back the tears from falling as we walk to the door, silently. When we get to the door, Aaron stops. He turns and looks at me. I keep my head down, not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes.

"Kira, you ok?" He asks.

"Thank you for driving me home." I whisper, my throat dry.

"Kira, look at me." Aaron says. Reluctantly, I look up at him. He takes in a deep breath and wraps his arms around me. I fall into his embrace and I start to cry.

"I'm so tired of being alone. I'm always alone in the house. I just want... I just want to be normal." I say. "I don't want to be alone anymore."

"I know how you feel." He says.

"Can you um, stay for a while?" I ask him.

"If you want." He says. I nod and open the door and he follows me in. I walk up to my room and he awkwardly follows.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to." I say, realizing I let a boy into my room.

"It's ok, if you're good with it." He says.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask him.

"Sure!" He says.

"Ok, I'll change and then we can." I say. I walk into my bathroom and quickly wash my face and change into comfortable sweats and leave my hair in the bun it was in for prom. I then text Shaina that I'm home with our little code that I'm safe. I then walk out of the bathroom and see Aaron sitting on my bed. He took off his tuxedo and dress shirt, leaving him in his tight under shirt, his lean muscles tight against it. He looks up and smiles.

"So, what are we watching?" He asks. I turn on the TV in my room and pull up Tangled.

"The best movie of all time." I say and smile. I sit next to him on the opposite side of the bed.

"A princess movie?" He asks and looks at me.

"Not just any princess movie, no no. This is a story unlike the others." I say and start to play it.

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