Chapter 1 Disturbance in Space and Time

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Warning: There has been several reports of time and space disturbances in the area. Citizens have been warned to watch out for unusual or suspicious activity. Please procede with caution.

Sinnoh Region

Here we meet Akari, a 14-year old Pokemon Trainer and Coordinator, reading the latest article in PokeNews. Along by her side is her five most loyal Pokemon: Banette, Charmander, Riolu, Piplup, and Eevee. She used to have a Joltik with her to complete her PokeTeam, but due to recent circumstances, she thought it would be best to let Joltik stay with her father's Galvantula for a while. The little guy sure missed his mother.

Akari was a little bit older than most of the trainers at her level. Both of her parents were breeders, and she decided to stay around a little bit longer to help them on at their farms. So far she had competed in three of Sinnoh's gyms including the Forest Badge, Icicle Badge, and Coal Badge; and five coordinator contests.

If she was being honest, she preferred contests over gym battles any day. Showcasing your Pokémon's strength and beauty at the same time was something amazing to watch. 

She didn't just compete in battles or contests. She actually loved working odd jobs in the different towns that she visited as well. That's where most of her time was spend anyway. She was determined to "catch them all" within her Pokédex as well as hunt for more of Aretcus's plates. With these plates, she was able to use some of the moves that Pokemon were able to accomplish. So far she only had the Lightning and Psychic plate. The Psychic plate had been given to her from her Aunt, a Pokemon Treasure Hunter, as a gift at the start of her journey. She, herself, found the Lightning plate in an ancient ruin, on an odd, which had been guarded and unexplored for many years. At the moment she was only able to perform a couple of moves with them, so she still needed a lot more trainning.

"According to this article, Banette, we should probably look into these disturbances. They sound like the legends of Palkia or even Dialga," Akari spoke, "and even if they aren't, they're probably some other troubled Pokemon."

"Banette! Banette!" It spoke excitedly. Banette was her most recent Pokemon addition. She found Banette lost in the woods a while back, and ever since it hasn't wanted to leave her side. Getting it into its Poke ball was a nightmare.

"Alright then, let's get going!"

Akari and Banette found themselves in a dark crystal like cave around the heart of the time and space disturbances.

"I think I see a light up ahead. Let's see what it is. My flashlight is almost out, and I don't want to waste the rest of the batteries if we don't have too."

The cave opened up to three differently lit passage ways. One had a faint pink glow about it with a sign that said "Enter for the Gentlest of Hearts." The second had a yellow glow with "Enter for the Brightest of Hearts." The third had a green glow with "Enter for the Noblest of Hearts."

"I've never seen this before. I wonder what it could mean: Gentle, Bright, and Noble. Especially since these words can have different meanings according to different translations and cultures."

Suddenly an idea hit her, pulling out a familiar Poke ball she called Riolu out. Riolu had been a Pokemon that her mother had breed in a lab after having been inspired by Sir Aaron and Lucario's legend from the Cameran Palace. He may not have evolved into a Lucario yet, but his aura abilities were still strong.

"Riolu, use your aura abilities to read the passages and then read me to point us in the right direction."

"Riolu. Riolu." Riolu focused his energy around the cave before turning to his trainer. Lifting his paws out he suddenly turned to the yellow glow.

Following her Riolu, the group came upon a room filled with five different stones. The sign above them read "Each Stone has the ability to hear your plea. Choose accordingly or be trapped for an eternity." On the far left was a smooth obsidian stone, next to it was a pink gravely stone, in the middle was a green gleaming stone, on the right of it was a red clay oval stone, on the far right was a tiny turquoise stone.

"Well.... I wonder if this challenge is responsible for the disappearances I've been hearing about."

There's not many people with a proficient aura Pokemon and even then I'm not sure he'll be able to read this properly.

"Okay, Riolu, give it your best shot. See if you can grasp the meaning of the different stones."

"Riolu. Riolu". Riolu once again used his aura skills to help his trainer. Something he found made him freeze. Not liking the result he yelled for his trainer.

"What is it Riolu?" If only he was more skilled with his telepathy. I really wish we had worked on that more.

Riolu flapped his arms around trying to convey his message. He couldn't pick a stone because they all gave off different readings.

"I guess I need to know what it is I'm asking for. Before I see what the answer is." This is so not good because I have no idea what I need to ask. Is the reason why we're in this cave the question? It has to be it.

We're in this cave because I want to help, who am I kidding. I only came because I'm still looking for that next big adventure. Running around doing the same battles and contests in this never ending loop has started to become a little too tedious...That's it!

"Riolu, which is the stone that stands for adventure?"

Riolu lifted his tiny arms once more and directed them to the stones. Unfortunately he pointed towards two of them. The black one and the red one.

Black and Red. Both are really pretty stones but which one is the right answer. I can't ask Riolu again because I know he's done all he can. I'm the trainer and my Pokemon trust me. This is a test for me to prove that I am worthy of that test.

"Banette, Riolu if this goes South. I want ya'll to take everyone and get out of here as fast as you." Please let me be right.

Making a decision, Akari reached for the red clay stone.

A bright light filled the cave before a hidden door opened up beside them. Riolu looked at her questioningly.

"Red traditionally stands for passion and drive. Something I know I have for the things I care about the most. I want to grow as a trainer with Valor. I could have chosen the black stone because I saw the truth in the darkness, but the red was made of clay, ready to be molded into the next step."

Accepting her answer, the Pokemon followed her down the new path heading toward the next batch of challenges.

Soon the group came upon a opening in the cave. There was two panels. One had the sun and the other the moon with a sign above them "What guides you on your journey?"

The sun would be an obvious choice because traveling at night would be dangerous. The previous options were symbolic so I know this one is too. People always compare the sun and the moon as good to bad, but what if it's the opposite. You can't look at the sun without burning your eyes, but the moon is a reflection of the sun and it guides you in the darkness. Two stones...?

Knowing her answer, she walked up to the panel and pressed on the moon. A white light shined out and let out to another room.

This room had five different figures carved onto the wall. They were images of Akari's five Pokemon: Banette, Riolu, Charmander, Eevee, and Piplup. Seeing this, she opened her Poke balls up to let the others see. Walking around she noticed that behind the Pokemon on the walls were intricate circles carved around them. There was also rune looking lines carved underneath them as well.

"What? No way. This is my Poke team. What could all this mean?"

Suddenly a panel on the roof shifted and moonlight poured into the cave, illuminating the writings on the floor. Akari and her team felt space warp around them. Then everything went black.

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