Chapter 5 Loke, Era, and Mystogan

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Akari, Gray, and her Pokemon were back at their apartment along with Loke. Erza was at Fairy Hills. Lucy was at her apartment, and Natsu with Happy were back at their house.

"Loke! Look at Charlie! He evolved into a Charmeleon!"

Loke looked at Charlie's new form.

"He looks a little meaner now," he told them while petting the Charmeleon, "You think Natsu's gonna continue chasing him?"

Charlie looked indignant about that.

"I hope not. Charlie might actually claw him this time."

Charlie walked into Akari's bedroom to sleep on his bed. Riolu was already asleep in his hammock. Eevee was in her round dog bed while Joltik was buried under his blankets in his nest. Piplup just had a bath and was asleep in her bed. Banette was the only one awake as it didn't sleep.

Akari and Loke were on the couch eating dinner as Gray had gone to his room earlier and would probably stay there until morning.

"Akari, you should probably go to bed now. You look beat," Loke said.

"But Banette is still awake." She let out a yawn.

"Banette doesn't sleep," he pointed out.

Akari finally agreed and went to bed herself, leaving Loke and Banette alone.

"Can you tell?" he asked the ghost type Pokemon.

Banette flew around him as he reached out to pet it.

"I bet you do," he said, "I had a lot of friends like you, but they're all gone now. It's just me."

Banette cuddled up against him.

"I bet you guys feel the same way. Trapped in a world that isn't your own."

He patted it on the head.

"But at least you have each other... and you have a wonderful Master who loves you very much."

Banette flew around him again.

"I only wish I had been that lucky."

Loke and Banette entered into a comfortable silence before Loke fell asleep on the couch with Banette curled up next to him.

"Hey guys!" Gray called out, "Don't forget about Natsu's challenge to Erza today!"

"We're coming!"

Akari had all her Pokemon in their balls minus Banette. Loke also came out of his room. He woke up early enough to sneak back to his room before the others were aware he had slept on the couch.

"Remember when Natsu challenged you, Akari," Loke brought up.

"Don't remind me. I can still feel the burns," she laughed.

"Do you guys think Lucy remembered the fight?" Gray asked.

"I'm not sure, Gray. Why don't you go get her?"

Gray agreed and left for Lucy's house. Loke and Akari left soon after with Banette flying around them.

"Banette! Catch!" Loke called out as he threw a small ball in the air.

Banette chased after it happily. It loved playing catch with Loke.

"You're really good with them."

"Thanks, I used to have a dog. I love animals," he sorta lied. Nikoras were dogs, kinda. He had known a few or a lot in the Celestial World.

The group soon reached the guild, but it seemed everyone was already gathered outside. Gray showed up with Lucy, and Erza and Natsu got in the center of the group. Cana was already taking bets.

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