Chapter 17 Fantasia Parade and Good Byes

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Akari slept in the chair in the infirmary for most of the night with Banette keeping watch on her.

Banette fluttered up when it felt Loke walk into the room.

Loke spied the sleeping trainer in the corner and walked over to her.

"Gray told me you hadn't come home, and now I know why," he muttered as he picked her up and took her to one of the infirmary beds to sleep in for the night. He figured that it would be more comfortable than the chair.

As soon as he had recovered, he'd gone to check in on his girls. First he showed up at Lucy's house and saw that Happy was taking care of her, then he went to his own former apartment to find that only Gray was there. He immediate woke him up to ask where she was, and Gray told him that she had been healing everyone at the guild hall before Porlyusica kicked him out. Loke wished he had shown up sooner, but he was more out of practice that he thought. His fight with Bickslow took a lot more out of him than it should have, and he regretted every moment of that. He should have been there to protect her, too. He was the Leader of the Zodiac, and this fight was pathetic.

Loke noticed how peaceful she looked in her sleep. He missed these moments. One of the few things that he couldn't have now as a Celestial Spirit. He couldn't be there all the time to take care of her.

He made sure to cover her up to keep her warm before he turned to the rag doll Pokemon who was hovering over Laxus again.

"She told you not to do it didn't she?" he asked, knowing the answer.

Banette just stayed silent in agreement.

Loke took a quick look to make sure she was still asleep.

"Fine. I'll give you permission, but we're not gonna let her know, and you have to stop before she wakes up," he said quietly.

Banette flapped excitedly before using its Hex move on Laxus putting him in a nightmare.

Loke walked over and patted the Pokemon gently on the head.

"You do a great job of taking care of her. You all do. Now be good for her. I have to go back now. I've stayed gone for too long. I'm not as fully healed as I want to be," he told Banette as he disappeared back to the Celestial World.

A few hours later and Gajeel was the first one up. He looked across the room to see a scary looking rag doll creature hovered over Laxus.

Banette turned its head around to spy Gajeel looking at it. Getting a mischievous grin on its face, it rushed over to him instead.

Gajeel let out a tiny shriek and ran from the room. Man that thing is freaky he thought with a shudder.

This woke up the rest of those in the infirmary, and Akari turned around to see Banette innocently waving at her.

"What did you do to him?"

"Banette!" it said innocently as if to say I don't know. He just left.

Natsu felt a shudder run down his spine as he surmised that Gajeel must have woken up to Banette hanging over his bed. He'd fallen asleep in the guild a couple of times and woke up to its creepy grin in his face. He could sympathize.

Laxus was lost in his own thoughts, as he had been in the worst nightmare of his life last night. He doubted he'd ever get any sleep again, but he probably deserved it for what he had done.

Master Makarov spoke next.

"What has happened?" he asked them as he looked at all the injuries Natsu and Laxus had on their bodies.

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