Chapter 13 Tower of Heaven

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Akari and her Pokemon were in the guild hall along with Team Natsu. Loke was explaining himself to them.

"You're a Celestial Spirit!" Natsu asked.

"Yep!" Loke responded as he held Banette on his shoulder.

"I'd never guess," Gray responded. He was relieved that his buddy was okay.

"Osha!" Oshawott shouted nodding his head in agreement.

"Are you safe now? You're not gonna go missing on us," Akari asked.

Loke wrapped an arm comfortingly around her.

"Never again. I am here to stay. I'm one of Lucy's keys. She can summon me whenever you want me, and once I'm all healed up, I can come on my own. Expect visits, but you can use my room to keep your Pokemon in. They're all getting bigger."

Piplup popped out of her ball with a large "Piplup!"

"I think we have someone already ready to push some roommates out."

Loke bent down and patted her head before returning Banette to the ground.

"I can't be in the human world for very long now, but I got you guys some tickets to a resort. You all deserve a relaxing trip," he said handing them to Lucy, "Erza already has hers."

Akari, her Pokemon, and Team Natsu were at Akane Resort and Beach.

Akari was wearing a purple crop top swimsuit with a purple patterned bikini bottom with a tiny skirt attached. Her backpack was in Erza's magic storage for safe keeping.

She looked over to see Gray and Natsu playing in the water. Happy and Oshawott was with them, splashing in the water.

She turned in another direction and saw Charlie building a sandcastle. It was starting to have some spires on it.

She looked over to Lucy and saw Shock on her shoulder eating some fruits with her. Riolu was also sipping on a fruity beverage.

She also saw Erza sunbathing with Eevee. The tiny brown furred creature was spread out letting the hot sun warm her fur.

Piplup tapped her on the leg, ready to go into water. Banette also flapped its arms around happily.

"Pip. Piplup!" Piplup said.

"Alright let's go!"

Akari splashed around in the water with Piplup swimming next to her. The water Pokemon was extremely happy to have a big enough area to swim longer laps in. She felt a little bad that Piplup didn't get to swim as much as she probably should. Banette also floated around in the salty water. It loved watching the fish swim by.

Gray and Oshawott swam up to her and Piplup.

"Hey we're gonna play volleyball now. Want to come?"


Akari and her Pokemon followed Gray and Oshawotts to the volleyball net. Natsu and Happy were already there waving Lucy and Erza to come and join them. The rest of her Pokemon also chose to join them.

On one side was Akari, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Oshawott, Piplup, and Charlie while Lucy, Erza, Eevee, Shock, Riolu, and Banette were on the other team.

Gray served while Natsu hit it over the net.

Riolu jumped up and bounced it back while Charlie swung his tail to send it up again.

Happy hit back over while Banette used its head to catch it.

Lucy hit it back over where Oshawott used his paddle tail to smack it over.

Eevee caught it, and Eevee tossed it back.

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