Chapter 14 New Guild Hall

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Akari and her team and the Fairy Tail mages made their way back to the guild.

"I wonder if the guild hall is finished yet," Lucy wondered.

Akari walked a few steps behind as she was still recovering from the Tower of Heaven.

"So do I."

Soon they walked into view of the guild hall or new guild hall. Everyone wowed for a moment. The guild hall was massive. It was three times the size it was previously. They soon found themselves entering the new guild hall.

"Welcome back!" everyone said.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" Max called them over.

Akari and the gang walked over.

"We got official Fairy Tail merchandise here! We have shirts, mugs, towels, just about anything you can think of," he told them pulling out a display set, "But our best selling items are these action figures!"

He gave them each their own figure.

Banette flew behind the counter to play with the items while they were too reoccupied with their figurines.

"There's a tiny Happy!" Happy squealed.

Lucy touched hers, and its outer clothes popped off.

"No!" she wailed as tried to stick them back on.

"Why is mine half naked?" Gray asked even though he had stripped off his shirt already.

"I think yours is pretty standard to the original," Akari laughed.

"Akari, yours is our number one seller for children.  It even comes with one of seven pets!" Max exclaimed.

Max reached down to get some more when he let out a high pitched scream.

Banette came out from behind the counter laughing.

"Banette!" Akari said with glee. She loved her Banette.

Max recovered and lift up a set to show her.

In front of her was a tiny set of her Pokemon even Oshawott. Max even had the different evolutions minus the new Charizard form. She saw a tiny orange lizard like a Charmander. Max showed her that it morphed into a Charmeleon. She saw a tiny Banette with a bell on the tip of the head. She saw a tiny Riolu with his Aura Sphere. She saw a tiny Shock with plastic webbing. She saw a tiny Piplup with a set of bows. She saw a tiny Eevee with ribbons. She even saw a tiny Oshawott with his bow tie.

"Oh Gray! He has a little bow tie too!"

"Does he?" Gray leaned to look before turning to Max to buy one himself. He couldn't get enough of the little guy.

Akari looked at her own figure which was dressed in her usual outfit before the Phantom Lord incident. She had a tiny backpack and belt for her Poke balls. She even had a headband too.

"I didn't know you got an outfit change. We're gonna make a line of these!" Max cheered.

"You're gonna have to make some new Pokemon figurines too! Charlie evolved again, and I bet Riolu will too soon!"

"Even better! Limited Editions!" Max was really excited.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" Cana called to them.

They followed her into the guild hall main room to see how much bigger it was.

"All my Pokemon could fit in here together! Even Charlie now!"

Cana took them to the backyard where there was a nice pool for them. There were several guild members in the pool already.

Cana then took them downstairs to the new basement and game room. There were also a large number of people there. Akari spotted the crowded pool table.

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