Chapter 6 Gray and Galuna Island

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Gray and Akari were at the guild while Loke went out for the day on a job in a nearby town.

"Master! One of the S-class quests is missing!" Mira cried out.

Akari, who was eating lunch with Gray, looked up at this information.

"Did anyone see who did it?" Master asked.

"Oh I think I saw a blue cat fly off with it," teased Laxus.

"Laxus!" Mira shouted, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"It was a blue cat. I didn't know who it was. Could have been one of the beast tamer's set," he laughed.

"Oh leave me out of it, Laxus! It wasn't mine and you knew it!" She typically didn't care what Laxus did because he always treated Joltik well other than the occasional insults, but she didn't want to be brought into this mess.

"Laxus! Go after them! You're the only one who can!" Master Makarov commanded.

Gray slammed his hands down on the table.

"I can't let that insult go unnoticed! I'm going after Natsu." And with that Gray left the guild.

"Gray's gonna get roped into something isn't he, Banette?"

"Banette!" It cried in agreement.

Akari jumped up and followed Gray.

Eventually the pair saw Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. Gray snuck up behind them.

"Got you!"

"Gray!" Lucy shrieked.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu asked them.

"I'm bringing you back to the guild. Master's orders," he told them.

"If you come quietly, you probably will avoid being expelled," she teased. She has been spending too much time with Gray and Banette.

"Expelled?" Lucy began to sweat really hard.

Banette was chasing Happy who was screaming that it was Lucy's fault.

Gray and Natsu began to argue about Erza coming to get them.

"Hey! You guys are wizards, right?" one of the fisherman asked, "Get on!"

This distracted Gray enough that Natsu managed to knock him out before grabbing Akari.

Banette shrieked trying to free its trainer, but Happy dropped a glass jar on it.

Normally Banette would have just went through it, but there must have been some protection on the jar to keep a ghost type inside.

"Good thing we brought this jar incase Akari and Banette came after us," Happy told them excitedly.

Natsu then dragged Gray and Akari on the boat. Happy brought Banette. Lucy followed. Somehow they tied up Gray and Akari.

"I'm scared," Lucy confessed.

"You deserve it for roughing us up when we so graciously came to rescue you," Akari snapped at her.

Banette flapped around in its jar.

"So why did you decide to take us?" Gray asked the fisherman.

Said man then told them a tale about the island and the demon curse that lay upon its members. He even showed them his demonic arm.

Galuna Island approached, and while the three non-motion sick wizards glanced at it, the fisherman disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Lucy asked.

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