First Trials

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Days went by quickly, they talked about the most random stuff, like how many kids does he want, he said that he wants 4 kids, and they also talked about that she's dreaming about their first meeting, etc. 

On the 31st March, 8:39 AM, he texted her, "Good morning to you Baby." 

She immediately replied, "Good morning. How have you been? Miss you." 

Ten minutes later, he replied, "I'm not fine, baby." 

She begins to worry about him like her gut feeling telling her something is wrong, "What's wrong?" 

He then begins to explain to her, "Something really bad happened to me. I lost a friend to this deadly virus. Literary my closest friend. I have not been with my self although today. I wasn't even with my phone. I know you have been worried. But I hope you do understand."

She encouraged him, "Thank you for telling me this, I understand it's hard what you are going through." 

He added, "Not just that. We had a project at hand. We wanted to go into real estate. He was the one that brought the proposal and it made a lot of sense. We actually started making moves towards it and we made progress. I put in a whole lot of funds into it, now all it's gone. I'm really down. I really don't know why all this is happening at the same time. It hurts. I feel like crying, he was the only true friend I had. Do you remember the friend that I told you when I went to visit the last time when he was ill? He is the same person I'm talking about. I lost him today." 

She's feeling restless like she doesn't know how to react to this news other than encouraging him like, "I see... Baby, I'm here for you and be strong. We are going to get through this. I'm crying with you and for you. Hugs. My deepest condolences."

He then thanked her, "Thank you so much. This is too much for me." 

She offers him a prayer, "Can I pray for you? It's all I can do at the moment. I was praying to see if you're ok but clearly you are not ok."  

He texted, "I don't feel ok, I'm breaking down again. I feel feverish. I think my illness is coming back. I have to see my doctor tomorrow." 

She prayed for him, "Dear Jesus, please be with him through this tough time. Losing a friend is not easy. But I believe that You are there and be with him through these times and please heal him, Lord Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen." She then added, "Baby, just so you know that I'm here for you. All through thick and thin." 

He responded, "I really do appreciate this. Thanks for being there for me. I have a lot going through my mind. It just feels like everything is going bad for me. Like my work is going bad, I lost a huge amount of money, half a million dollars! It's hard on me, baby. It's fucking hard on me. You don't just understand the gravity of what I'm facing at the moment." 

She's speechless and breathless. She can't do anything to hug him from afar. She can only pray, wishing him well, and giving him words of encouragement. 

She then replied to him, "I do baby. HUGS. In these times, do you believe that God's favour is just waiting at the corner? It might not seem like it but there's a rainbow in every hardship. All we have to have is faith." 

She attached a picture of encouragement to him and 'The Blessing' song Youtube video to him and she added, "I pray that as you listen again to this song, it will give you peace." and she also sent him an encouraging voice note saying that everything will be ok.   

She also texted, "Before you said any of this situation, I sense a bad feeling before but I don't know what it is and now I know why." 

He replied, "Thank you, baby. Amen. What have you been up to?" 

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