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Every time I look at your profile picture,
I'm wondering of who you really are
Every time I talk with you and chat you up,
I'm confused as to who I really falling in love with

There's a mask of you behind those lovely profile picture
There's a shadow of you behind all those chats
But I trust you

It seems like everything that you are talking to me is what happened with you in real life
But who are you?

I haven't seen you, your real life face for more than 21 seconds
I'm scared to tell you the truth
Because I would just lost you
And I don't want that.

I love you for who you are
Even though I haven't even seen you yet
Come out
Come out
Come out
And play with me

Come out from those masks you are hiding from me
I want to know YOU
The real you
The real you that I've been talking and chat with for the past 5 months now

Come out
Come out
Come out, babe

I love you
And I can't wait to see who you really are

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