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8 chapter more to go and this story will end....

Happy reading you guys...

"miss...why are you silent?"
Ask Mew to Miss Jessica

"Hmmm Student,  we have lost two students in this class ... All know that Gulf and Joyce have been absent from school. They both return to their home country" Reply Miss Jessica.

"but why teacher?"
Ask Bright

"i dont know.I just know about this,this morning.Maybe about family matter"
Reply Miss Jessica again

There is a rumor that says that their families are bankrupt but it's just rumors only. As a teacher will not easily believe in such things.

"ok class,we start our listening now.Turn to page......."
Miss Jessica continue her teaching

Mew who heard that Gulf had returned to his home country was very surprised. And he was only able to look outside the window while thinking about what happened.

'why baby...why you leave me alone..i need heart will nothing without you'

Mew's heart said while trying to hold his tears.

At China

"Sweetie eats a little, please ..."
Plead Yanjun while trying to feed some food on his younger brother.

Gulf just shake his head only.

"Gulf doesn't want to eat, P?"
Ask Joyce to Yanjun

"It's like you see. He doesn't want to eat. Since we are back from Thai, his condition like this and become worst and worst. P look he like to stare outside and if P ask what he look, he just stare back me without say anything."

Reply Yanjun with worried face

"Hmmm it's okay P. I will try to persuasion him to eat. Don't worry okay"

Said Joyce while take the tray of food at the hand of Yanjun and then walk to Gulf room.

tok..tok..tok.... (Sound of the knock at the Gulf Room door).

"Baby..This P Joyce, i'm in okay"
Said Joyce

No answer from Gulf. Joyce entered Gulf's Room with a ripple face that worried. She look Gulf condition like body but no soul in there,lifeless after they return from Thai. It's not their choice but the situation of those who forced them to return to China again.

"Sweetie, let's eat. Mama already cook your favourite food. Let's eat before it turn to cold, if cold it's not delicious. You always eat your food when it still warm right"
persuasion Joyce to Gulf

The reaction that Gulf give to Joyce same with what he give to Yanjun. He just stare her without say anything. After that, he will stare back at the window.

"Gylf, please eat. It's okay if you just eat little but i don't want to look you not eat your food at all. Baby not pity with Papa, Mama, P's and Nong? We all have problem. If you like that, we all so worried with you. We don't want to look you like this. I don't want my twin sad, enough you cry in my shoulder that old day. I don't want that day happen again. P hope you understand what P say. We want you happy. Please eat. Pity with your body, now you look like nothing in your body. Please eat little for us"
Said Joyce with spoon in the hand.

Finally, Gulf open his mouth to accept food from Joyce.

"That's my baby. Thank you Gulf"
Joyce smile to Gulf while her hand busy to feed him.

One year finally past like that...

The show summon(Their papa call) all his children to the living room to talk about something. Gulf's condition begins  to improve, their family situation was begun to improve even though his mama and papa was rashing to rebuild the name of their company who had been destroyed. The way they went through this year worse than ever. Eat only once, the small house was only able to accommodate 3-4 person. their car, the property was arranged by bank. But day for day of life their lives improved.

"Papa,why you calling us?"
Ask Kuanlin

"Okay, papa call you all because i want you all know what the real problem that our company face that make our family become like this. I will tell you who are the person that ruined our company at Thailand and make our family bankrupt"
Reply Dylan

"papa,who??i will reverge for our family"
Ask Zhengting to his papa

"Joyce and Gulf, if papa tell this name, you must know who it is"
Said Dylan while look his son and daughter face.

"who papa?"
Ask Joyce


Author :-

I will try finished this story faster because i already finish write draf for next story..

Spoiler For Next Story :-

Character : Mew and Gulf

Its about : Friendship, Relationship, Trust and Betrayal

*Actually this book already publish for three chapter.....Haha...Just look at my channel that title 'Love is Fate'

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