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chapter 17

at school

"good morning,baby.How are you?"

Ask Mew happy.

Two weeks ago Mew was allowed to return after the injury he experienced to heal and his relationship with Gulf began to grow close from day to day. His feelings would not be able to be contained again. His love only to Gulf alone and not for anybody else. His name already full in his heart. So, any girl or boy name can't get in anymore.

"nothing,hubby.Just look at the sky.Beautiful right?"

Reply Gulf with big smile

"beautiful like you"

Said Mew while hug Gulf from behind

"hubby,may i ask you something?"

Suddenly Gulf ask Mew

"ok..about what baby.Dont make me scared.I dont leave you forever"
Reply Mew with frighten face

"its nothing, love me?"
Ask Gulf with no emotion in his face

"of course i love you baby.I will die if you leave me alone"

Reply Mew while tighten his hug on Gulf body and put his face in the Gulf's right shoulder .

Without his realized, Mew already shed his tears in his shoulder. He never look Mew so weak before, but not now he look like vase who easy to broken, so fragile. Gulf can't see Mew like this. He want old Mew who are happy, violent and love to tease as before, unlike now.

"hubby,forgive me please."
persuasion Gulf while look Mew swollen face, effect of cry.

"dont say like that again.Dont leave me again..Please.."
pleading Mew to Gulf

"ok,im promise.I will never leave you.Love you hubby"
Gulf kiss Mew head gently

"love you too baby"

Mew hug Gulf so tight. He doesn't want to lost Gulf again. Enough one times.He still feel it. It's so hurt like one thousand swords stab in his heart. Imagine if he lost it twice, he will die.

At Wang company

"why like this? Who behind all this??!!!"
Shout a man who in his 40 years old named Dylan to his right person in his company.

"I'm already investigate all this situation. And the result behind all this happen is because Mr. Mingkwan company."
Reply his right hand.

"Mr. Mingkwan?"
Ask Dylan

"Yes. Mr. Mingkwan. He make your company in Thailand bankrupt(muflis)"
Reply him again

"what?!ok i want all data about mr Mingkwan company.I will make sure his company bankrupt too"
That's oath made by Dylan

Mingkwan and Dylan are indeed enemies from childhood until now.
They will fight from small matter to big matter, from lame matter to serious matter. Like who will win first place in school to who can get hottest women to be their girlfriend.

At school

Gulf get one message from known number. When he open it, he can't hide his expression in his face. He so shock with that message.

In the message

"Gulf we have back to China now.Our company in Thailand have bankrupt.Papa will explain detail later.See you at home later hunny"
-papa Dylan

"who send the massage?"
Ask Mew

"my papa hubby"
Reply Gulf with slow beat/tone.

"anything wrong?"
Ask Mew worried because Gulf change his happy face to shocked face after read that message he got from someone.

"nothing.Hubby,i need to go back.See you again hubby.Love you"
Said Gulf with sour face.
Maybe this is last time he meet Mew. He hold his tears from fall infront of Mew. If not, Mew will more worried and he can't left Mew like that. Finally, he force to put smile in his face and hug Mew tight.

Mew weird with Gulf behaviour. He feel something bad happen to Gulf but he ignore it when he look Gulf smile and hug him. He just hug back Gulf body gently.

The real problem will start from next chapter...

Prepare yourself , guys....

Thanks read this fanfiction...

See you again in next chapter, goodnite...

(26/05/20) - 687 words

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