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shout a little boy while in hands holding some ice cream.

"Papa at our garden house, Win"
Reply a man with a beautiful smile in his face.

The little boy getting his papa with happy face. Maybe he run to fast to his mom that make him stumble into a things and make him fall automatic.

"Winnie, be careful"
Shout that man when he see his son fall in the ground.

But he know his child is strong child and he thinking right when Win doesnt even cry and immediately stand up back, run back to his papa.

"That my son. So strong. Omg why you look like this??Your mouth so messy with ice cream"

The little kid just laugh when his mother scold him

"Come here my baby. Ok done.My baby so cute now"
Say that man with tissue in his hand.

That tissue he use to remove ice cream that in his son mouth. He carefully remove it and kiss his son cheeks when done it.

"Where your daddy?"

The voice that he waiting finally appear behind his seat place.

"Mama, where NongNong?"
Ask Win

"He sleep in the room. Where do you take Win out,Hubby?"
Ask that man again.

"To your papa house. Are you okay honey?"
Ask his man

"Im okay, just a little bit tired. The babies move actively today"
Reply Gulf with smile

"Our babies cant be naughty. Poor your papa"
Mew touch his wife's stomach slowly that began to show his pregnancy

They were laughing together at that evening.Yeah,that was the family of Mew and Gulf. Finally, their love accepted and bless by the two sides of their family.

After 5Years together and married

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After 5Years together and married. Now they have 2 son. The eldest son now 4 years old while the second one is 3 years old.
Win is the eldest one, he have cute face like Gulf and the second one name Linong.His face like mixed between Gulf and Mew but his figure more like Mew. Between Win and Nongnong, the second one more taller than the eldest one. And they invited to twin in 3month.(Gulf now 6month pregnant).

About their family, Finally both family surrender with their happinies and not compete like the past.

"Baby pleasee....."
Plead Mew while chase Gulf from behind

"If you doesnt love me anymore, just left me. Dont make me like that"
Cry Gulf

"Honey...You are misunderstood. She and hubby doesnt have any relationship. She just my old friend. Honey please.."
Plead Mew again

He cry nonstop since he looking Mew with some women at the restaurant. Only two of them no other friend.

Not long enough, the same person that Gulf look come closer to Mew and Gulf

"Im sorry Gulf. Mew and i just old friend. We doesnt have any relationship at all. We coincidence meet because of work"
Answer the women name Gina(okay i make the name again)

"Honey please.You are the only one for me"
Said Mew while hugging Gulf

"Hubby only love you. Just honey and our children in my life. I love you till im die. Love you my honey love"

Said Mewwhile kiss top of Gulf head slowly. His hand still hugging Gulf waist tightly. He afraid when he release it, Gulf will run away and that dangerous to Gulf and their babies.

After 5minute hugging. Gulf cry finally stop.He hug Mew body back and ignore what others eyes see them. They know they in public place but the happinies in their family more important than stranger that look them with weird eyes.

"Love you too,my hubby bear"
Smile Gulf to Mew



Yeahhhhh finally this story officially end....
Im sorry if this story sometimes hurt your feeling or something like that..
I will miss this couple.. and i will miss the readers more..
See you again in next story...
Goodbye guys...

And for others people that read my story, goodluck to through your life.

"Happy face, Happy future"

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