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Chapter 13 : Jealous not my style,but....

In Miss Jessica's class

Mew look at the new student who call him hubby just a while, he seat at Gulf place. After Gulf gone with no news, that place is empty. Nobody will dare to seat at his place.

"Guys,we have new student.I hope you all can be nice to her"
ask Miss Jessica.

Enter a girl student that he saw in the cafeteria. All boy students in his class like hysteria by screaming when they seen the pretty face of the girl student.

 All boy students in his class like hysteria by screaming when they seen the pretty face of the girl student

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"Hi,my name is Joyce. Im from Malaysia.Nice to meet you."
The girl student introduced herself to her classmate.

After that she sat between the female student table and Mew table.

ask Joyce with her smile to Mew

Reply Mew with no reaction in his face.

His eyes still look at the new boy beside Joyce.

Joyce and the boy students are too close. Everywhere together, event to toilet or teacher room they always together. Thats why many students said that they are ideal couples.

In cafe

"Hi guys, can i join?"
Asked Mew.

He want to know who actually that new boy who seat at Gulf place. The first day he saw the student, his heart jumpedly wanted to know it.

"Hi, oh can. Just take seat here"
Reply Joyce with smile.

Mew take seat beside Joyce and opposite with that mystery boy's seat. He look his eyes and in his mind now
'where i see that eyes? That's eyes like i have seen before'

Like pair of eyes who he miss all this time. But news from him was absent from the occurrence of the incident. Maybe he already back to China. His inner side talk.

"My name Mew Suppasit. But you guys can call me Mew"
Mew introduces himself.

"Oh, I'm Joyce and this is my Boyfriend Gulf"
Joyce turn to introduces herself.

Ask Mew

"Yes I'm Gulf. Nice to meet you"
Gulf stretched out his hand to shake hand with Mew.

Mew so shock with that statement until he can't utter one word after that. Gulf hands were welcomed but was quite slow.

"Okay Mew, me and Gulf going first. We have work to do.Let's go Baby"

after saying that, Joyce pull Gulf hand slowly and they left Mew alone at that table.

'Gulf?, That's boy is Gulf? That's nerd boy change into handsome boy in short time. Why did he change his appearance and now he has a girlfriend?'
He very quick replace him with another girl.

Mew sigh, not just regular sigh but heavy sigh. He want to cry. But it's all his fault. If he not hurt Gulf heart, maybe he still beside Mew. He very regret with his old action. What happen in the past he can't change it anymore. Now, what Gulf feel, Mew feel it. It's so hurt

His days become dark and dark when he saw intimacy/intimate between Joyce and Gulf at the school. His heart full with fire now, fire of jealous.

Formerly/Old time(dahulunya) he was not jealous of his girlfriend or boyfriend when they hangs out with any man or women but to see the Joyce's intimate/interaction/action with Gulf, he was so jealous.

After recess hour

"Gulf, we need to talk"
Mew said  while his hand grunted at his bag.

"For What?" Ask Gulf ask with no reaction in his face.Poker Face.

Reply Mew short

"Ok, see me at school back.Dont Late"
Gulf walk passed Mew after said like that.

He done enough with cry, maybe the old Gulf have weak heart but now he change. He not easily melt with person who name Mew anymore.

He remember how he month ago. He back with swollen face, effect of nonstop cry. His parents so shocked with his condition. After that day, he always cry and cry.

Variety of advice or action that his parents do to cheer Gulf back to the old day but Gulf still like that. Body with no soul. End of idea, they finally call his twin from abroad back to their home in China. He is the closest person with Gulf, all the problems are told to his twins.

After that, his twin gave a suggestion that he had to change his appearance to the new people and made it jealous of him. The plan planned successfully when the jealous fire was seen with he intimate with his twin. Joyce and Gulf is twin since they baby. But, Gulf study in Malaysia from young
and his appearance like Malaysian people, many did not believe it if they were twins.

At the back of school

"Baby ..." Call Mew while look at Gulf's face.

"Wait.first listen What I want to say." Gulf said,cutting Mew words

" Gulf said,cutting Mew words

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