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Call ,Gulf to his younger brother

"Hmm why P?"
Ask Kuanlin weird

"Can you buy me something sweet. I'm craving sweet food"
Reply Gulf with sweet smile

"Amything for you, my handsome P. But what you want to eat?"
Ask Kuanlin again

Reply Gulf

"Like what P? This festival so big. So many sweet things that sell in this event"
Ask Kuanlin with smile

He already imagine that he will take round with his family members. He feel so happy and want to jump happily. Lets other think he crazy, he just ignore it.

"Just buy me some ice cream, can you?"
Ask Gulf again while his hand hold Kuanlin hand sweetly.

"I can buy anything for you but can we wait ge back first? Nong already promise to P Joyce to not left you alone. If he see you alone, i will die in ge hands. Nong still young and doesn't want die."
Reply Kuanlin

Gulf mask his facial with sour face. He pretend to sad when Kuanlin said like that.

Not that he did not want to buy him ice cream. But he not letting his P alone  in this dangerous place
after that incident infront of festival happen. And many pairs of eyes already locked to Gulf especially to boys and anti fans. He afraid when he left Gulf alone, the antifans will hurt his P. So  before anything happen, prevent first.

"Ermmmm....Kuanlin love P right. I will take care myself. Don't worry okay. I think about 2 or 3 years i don't eat ice cream. Your brother really craving ice cream now. Can????"
Plead Gulf again

"But P...I already promise to P Joyce. I cant broke that promise"
Said Kuanlin again

"P promise i will not tell P Joyce. Can can can"
Gulf persuasion

"Okay i surrender. I will buy your ice cream. But promise me, that P not move even inch from this place. Just seat here. If anything happen, call me faster."
Said Kuanlin before he stand from the chair he sit just now.

"I'm promise"
They do pinky promise before Kuanlin go and gone in the the ocean of humans.

Ten minutes go like that

Kuanlin back with two ice cream in the both of his hand. In the right hand has chocolate flavour and in the left hand has strawberry flavour.

"Which one you want?"
Ask Kuanlin to Gulf

"Hmmm let me think first. But can i have both of them? They look so delicious. It's hard to choose between them"
Reply Gulf

He deliberate tease Kuanlin because he like see Kuanlin look when he sulking. He so cute when he pout his lips.

"Can't P. Another one for me. I want some too. If you eat both, what can i eat"
Kuanlin pout

"Hahah, P just joke Kuanlin. My nong so cute when you sulking like this. This make me want to pinch your cheeks. Your dimple make me jealous, you know"
Said Gulf with big smile

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