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Taegukie point of view

I was playing with my toys in the living room while appa was taking the shower but suddenly the door bell ring i stood up and went to open to see who it is and opened the door and gasp seeing the person

"oppa" i said joyfully "oh hii baby umm where is your appa baby we have work to do?" she said i nodded and call appa "APPA!! APPA" i yelled excitedly "appa unnie from park is here is he your business partner?" i asked with wide eyes feeling happy

"yeah baby now go to your room we need to do work" appa said I nodded and went upstairs in my room

Jungkook point of view

"let's start our work shall we?" i asked and taehyung nodded "sit" he said and sit on the couch and opened his laptop while o also open my laptop and start doing our work

Two hours later

"finally" i said and put my palm in my face and i rub my eyes "we still need to meet tomorrow for the remaining work" he said "ok i should leave" i said and start to clean my things and about to leave but we heard his baby yell "APPA"

"its taegukie" taehyung said i looked at him he quickly ran up to her room and i followed him

"baby what happened" taehyung asked as we entered into her room "appa...appa my n-nose is bleeding" taegukie said and i widened my eyes "oh sit baby idk what to do lets go to hospital" he said panicked

"wait calm down i know what to do no need to go hospital it will take time" i said and asked for first aid kit and start treating taegukie she have a beautiful name

It took me 10 minutes to treat her nose "yahh it not bleeding anymore thank you" she said happily such a fluff ball and sunshine i thought "your welcome" i said giving her a smile

"thank you for your help im really grateful to you jungkookie" he said softly i nodded and return him a smile "btw where is taegukie mom" i asked "i don't have one" she said looking down "oh I'm sorry" i said felling sad for her

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