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Jungkook point of view

I was in the park waiting for taehyung he said he wanna tell me something important i looked around and saw a car arrived the door open revealing taehyung i quickly wave for him to see me

Taehyung point of view

I arrived at the park i saw jungkook waving from a far i smile at his cuteness and walked towards him i was kinda embarrassed that i was late we both sat down on a bench he give me a confused look and was waiting for me to talk but i can't stop staring at him

This innocent cute bunny might get hurt because of me which i really don't want but i have to ask him for taeggukie shake "tae? You ok" he asked and i came back to reality "uh yes" i said "what do you want to tell me tae?" he asked looking at me

"uh...its umm like this umm the day taeggukie introduce us to each other i know you the one for her she never experienced mother's love , i don't know what she see in you the day she met you i think she already loves you she is never liked that to other girls or boys she met unlike you she already like you and so do i at first i treat you like a stranger but then when taeggukie ask you to be her eomma i really have trust issues with girls and guys after taeggukie mom left us but i was waiting for your answer and you said yes i never expected that you will agree even you just meet her i was very happy knowing that people like you still exist but most importantly i was happy for taeggukie that finally she can experience a mother love" i said looking at his eyes

"its ok tae every kids and deserve both parents love i already love taeggukie even though we just met" he said with a smile "so i want to ask you this question" i said "what is it?" he said with a raised eyebrow and smiley face "umm I- love you jungkook please give me a chance to prove it" i said in a one go "W-what?" he saud with a gasp

Third person point of view

"i know its shocking but Can i be your boyfriend" taehyung said and looked down while jungkook was still shocked because of the certain question that taehyung asked but nothing less jungkook smile and looked at taehyung who was looking down

Jungkook took taehyung chin and lift his face gently taehyung looked at him with pleading look while jungkook smile at him "yah..why are you looking down" jungkook asked with a cute giggle

"im scared of your answer but i will accept it if you reject it" taehyung said and looked down again "and who told you that im going to reject your Offer Mr. Kim?" jungkook said "w-what do you mean?" taehyung asked looking at jungkook with widened eyes

"it means i accept your offer im doing this for taegukkie i want her to have a happy family" jungkook said "so does ir mean?...you are mine" taehyung said with a confused yet happy look "aigoo don't you want it? Ok i Will take my word back" jungkook said with a chuckle

"no no no no im really happy thank you so much jungkook" taehyung said "aishh" jungkook said they both stodd up as taehyung was holding jungkook hand and was about to kiss him but jungkook back off "tae we are in public and there are kids" jungkook said with a blushing face "oh yeah i forgot hehehe" taehyung said

"do you want to go for a walk" taehyung asked "yeah sure" jungkook said and they both start to walk and went to the part where where were lots of tress and beautiful nature with few people

"do you want to go for a walk" taehyung asked "yeah sure" jungkook said and they both start to walk and went to the part where where were lots of tress and beautiful nature with few people

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Im really really really sorry for not updating this book my mom health is not good so i have to take care of her too but i will try to update it regularly thank you for reading have a great day ahead

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