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Third person point of view

"excuse me" taehyung said calling the waiter they are in bighit a seven star restaurant "can i get three orders of pasta and one of family size pizza"

"sure sir just wait for ten minutes" waiter said with a smile "thank you" taehyung said and the waiter left while jungkook and taegukie were checking something on jungkook phone

"what are you guys seeing" taehyung asked "nothing" jungkook said and chuckle with taegukie "i see you two are getting really close" taehyung said kinda feeling jealous of her own daughter "oh appa is jealous hehehe" taegukie said "no im not" taehyung said

"ohhh eomma you know appa was very excited to meet you he even wear different shoes" taegukie said and laugh taehyung widened his eyes "no i was not i just made a mistake don't believe this kid aish" taehyung said defending himself "aish let's eat our food is coming" jungkook said with a chuckle

"yehh the food is here" taegukie said while clapping waiters start to put food on the table and left "baby eat carrots too" jungkook daid as taegukue was only eating the pasta "eomma i don't like carrots" taegukie said "but you need to eat them baby they are good for eyes and keep you healthy" jungkook said while eating carrot like a bunny is eating the carrots "oh ok eomma" taegukie said with a smile

They all start to eat peacefully when jungkook notice taehyung was also not eating carrots "yah you also eats carrots" jungkook said "no i don't like those" taehyung said "eomma scold appa he is also not eating and will not get good eyes" taegukie said

"yes baby if your appa won't eat them he will not get good eyesight and will get sick too" jungkook said and glared at taehyung to eat carrots too "ok ok fine i am eating" taehyung said "good see your appa is a good boy he is eating carrots" jungkook said and start to eat

After eating

"eomma im tired" taegukue said and hug jungkook leg "oh OK baby you and appa go he will tuck you in bed" jungkook said while ruffling taegukie hair "but eomma i want to sleep with you" taegukie said jungkook and taehyung looked at each other "ok baby but I'll ho home afterwards ok?" jungkook said and taegukie nodded

While taehyung looked at them both with a adoration eyes after that they pay the bill and went to taehyung house totally forgetting about jungkook car parked in park

Taehyung carried taegukie to her room and read her a story and jungkook sing a lullaby for her until she fell asleep

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