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Third person point of view

Door open revealing taehyung "jungkookie are you OK now?" he asked as he entered inside "tae im fine now by the way where have you been" jungkook asked "just went somewhere it's not important though by the way jimin hyung where is taeggukie" taehyung said

"ah i left her in my house with yoongi and maids they are looking after her don't worry she will be fine" jimin said "thank you hyung we will pick her up as soon as jungkook get discharged and by the way how is yoongi hyung" taehyung asked "he is absolutely fine I'll leave you both so you can talk" jimin said

"thank you for coming hyung" jungkook said jimin nodded with a smile and left "are you really fine" taehyung again asked "yes tae im really fine i wanna go home" jungkook said with a pout "don't worry I'll talk to your doctor when we can take you home" taehyung said

"tae don't you have any idea about who might be the person is who broke in?" jungkook asked out of the blue "umm well no i don't" taehyung said not wanting to tell him about jennie and the thing he himself don't know who the guy was"do you think its can be your enemies do you have any" jungkook said "no how about you" taehyung asked "i don't have enemies too" jungkook said

"aish let's not think about it for a while ok?" taehyung said and stood up jungkook nodded and taehyung hug him jungkook return the hug the door open revealing the doctor "good morning jungkook and Mr. Kim" doctor said "good morning doctor" taehyung and jungkook said in unison

"im here to tell you that you are good to go you can be discharged now" doctor said with a smile "really thank God i have lots of work to do" jungkook said "sorry jungkook you can't work you have to rest" doctor said "but-" jungkook tried to argue but taehyung cut him off "don't be stubborn jungkook you need rest" taehyung said "fine" jungkook said

"by the way Mr. Kim are you jungkook husband" doctor asked jungkook and taehyung look at each other with wide eyes "n-" jungkook was saying but again taehyung cut him off "yes doctor" taehyung said jungkook looked at taehyung with jungshook face "ok and mr. Kim please give these medicine to jungkook before sleeping" doctor said and handed the medicine to taehyung "okay doctor" taehyung said

"ok then I'll leave you both couple alone" doctor said and made his way out of the room "he is not yet my hus-" jungkook was saying but the doctor was already gobe jungkook look at taehyung cute cute glaring angry face

"yah kim taehyung we are not married yey why do you lie" jungkook asked "not yet but soon we will my wifey" taehyubg said with a wink "stop it well its only gonna happen as long as you don't do stupid things" jungkook said with a blush on his face "aish i wont and be thankful im your soon to be hubby" taehyung said

"stop it ill change ok wait here" jungkook said "do you want help in changing" taehyung said with a smirk "no and please stop being a pervert" jungkook said "ehhh im not" taehyung said and chuckle as jungkook went to the bathroom to change his hospital dress and get ready to go

Taehyung was playing on his phone when bathroom door open "yah let go" jungkook said "okay make sure you don't left anything we won't come to get it" taehyung said with a chuckle "aish i have taken everything now let's go" jungkook said they both went out and taehyung interlock his hand with jungkook hand

Time skip to home

"officer do you know who did this?" taehyung asked "nope this is hard since that man was very careful for every step he made i think he is use to do this he is an expert" the police officer said "and also im sorry but you can't stay here for a while since we need to do more investigation" another police officer said "its okay officer tae you and taeggukie can stay in my house" jungkook said "okay" taehyung said

"go pack your and taeggukie stuff and we will pick her in way" jungkook said taehyung nodded and kissed jungkook cheek before going up to pack his and taeggukie things

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