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The door open hardly "yahh jennie you bitch" ???

Jennie point of view

I was at the living room watching a movie when someone opened the door harshly and it was taehyung while he was shouting "why did you do that to jungkook?" he said angrily "do what?" i asked him "stop pretending that you don't know what i mean" he said
"i really don't know what your talking about" i asked him titling my head to left

"i know you are the one who sent a man in my house and broke in their the police found this watch and this is the same watch i give you before I found out you cheated on me" he said angrily i gulped a bit but don't show it to him

"anyone can own that watch taeits not like its the only one in the world" i said "shut up don't lie this watch is customize thats the only one design" he said angrily "i told you i-i don't do anything" i said "i know your lying dont dare to touch my jungkook again or else you will regret your existence" he said with gritted teeth

"were not over tae i know you still love me" i said with a smirk "love my foot bitch" he said

Taehyung point of view

I was really angry i want to punch her how can she even think about me loving her after what she did to us to taeggukie after warning her i went away from her and went to hospital

Jennie point of view

"you will be mine again kim taehyung" i said to myself looking at taehyung figure disappearing

Jungkook point of view

I was still in the hospital and was going through my phone when i heard a knock on the door i opened it and it was jimin hyung "hii hyung what are you doing here" i asked him "hii jungkook-ah well taehyung call me to come here cuz he have to go somewhere btw how are you" he said loh ok im fine how do you by chance know where is tae" i asked him

"sorry kook-ah i don't" hyung said "oh ok" i said "by the way hyung you know when can i go back" i asked him "maybe tomorrow we just need to talk with doctors" jimin hyung said "ohkl i said with a smile we were talking and don't notice that door was opening


Sry for lame chapter i was very sleepy when i write this

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