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Third person point of view

"appa appa wake up wakey wakey appa" taegukie said while shaking taehyung "ummhh" taehyung response in his sleey voice "appa wakey we are going to meet eomma" taegukie said excitedly and taehyung wake up with widened eyes

"oh yeah princess c'mon get ready we can't be late" taehyung said in rush and get up "oh-appa is more excited to see eomma than me" taegukie saidy taehyung stopped and looked at taegukie with a smile "off course not princess now c'mon go and get ready" taehyung said taegukie chuckle and go to her room to get ready same with taehyung

"are you ready princess" taehyung asked from living room "yeah appa but you are not ready" taegukie said while coming downstairs towards taehyung "what do you mean see im ready" taehyung said confused "appa you are wearing different shoes" taegukie said and point to taehyung shoes while laughing

Taehyung looked down and see his mistake "aigo appa just admit it you like my eomma" taegukie said teasingly "i-i don't" taehyung said and kinda blushed and quickly took of one shoe and find the right pair then they both went to the car and go to the park

In park

They both arrived at the park taehyung was checking his phone and then taegukie shouted jungkook name taehyung looked at his direction and he was looking extremely gorgeous just breathe taking jungkook was wearing a tight jeans and off shoulder crop top

"eomma" taegukie said and run towards jungkook and hug him tightly "don't run baby you might get hurt" jungkook said and kissed taegukie forehead "eomma kiss appa too" taegukie innocently said and jungkook gasp a little and chuckle nervously "baby your appa isn't comfortable" jungkook said and taegukie looked at taehyung with puppy doe eyes which he can't resist

"appa eomma can kiss you right" she whined softly and still looking at taehyung with her puppy doe eyes "ugh umm if your umm eomma is ok" he said "really appa eomma see appa don't have any problem now kiss appa peawse" taegukie said and chuckles cutely

"but baby umm" jungkook was saying but taegukie fake cryed "eomma kiss appa otherwise i wouldn't eat and talk to anyone" taegukie said "baby please you have to eat if you don't eat then you wouldn't get energy" jungkook try to reason "then kiss appa and i eat" taegukie said innocently jungkook sigh

And step forward and kissed taehyung on the cheek lightly and taehyung did the same jungkook blushed and looked away "yahh eomma I'm going over there to play" taegukie said "okay baby but be careful" jungkook said taegukie nodded and run towards others kids and start to play with them

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