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Third person point of view

Taehyung and jungkook  both sit down on the beach and jungkookie took out his phone and took some pictures of taegukie while smiling taehyung stares at him and jungkook noticed it

"taehyung do you want something" jungkook asked "why are you treating taegukie like your own daughter?" taehyung asked "i don't know either i like her since i meet her" jungkook said with a smile "don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend he/she might get angry about us" taehyung said

"first of all im gay and i don't have a boyfriend im single" jungkook answered "oh so you never get into any relationship?" taehyung asked while chuckling silently "yah stop chuckling im scared in getting into a relationship in the end i will get hurt only" jungkook said while looking down "huh what do you mean" taehyung asked

"well it's a long story i don't want to make you bore with it" jungkook said "well i have all the time c'mon tell me" taehyung said "ok fine" jungkook said with a sigh


"oh the neard is here" a boy named reian said with a chuckle "oh hii jungkook where are your stupid glasses" another boy eunjo said mockingly jungkook don't say anything just look down "how dare you have a crush on MIN one of the most popular guy here huh?" a girl named rosé said in annoyance "gross he is gay" rosè friend jisso said to her "OMG!!OMG!!OMG Min oppa is here" Anna said well most likely scream on the top of her lungs All girls started to giggle while jungkook look at Min with a nervous smile

Min went to jungkook "why is oppa going to that neard" lisa said to rosé "oppa don't go near that neard" lisa said but min went to jungkook "oh hii jungkook you are looking cute today" Min said and raised his hand and hit jungkook things away from his hand and it caused to fall all things to fall on ground everyone started to laugh

"ops sorry not sorry" Min said with a smirk "why did you do that" jungkook asked while picking up his things Min bend down to jungkook level and lift his chin harshly "i know you like me but remember jungkook i will never fall in love with a neard specially a trash like you , you don't deserve someone like me you are nothing just a pathetic person" Min said with a smirk and jungkook start to cry silently as everyone was laughing at him

Min stand up and grab rosé hand and she smirked and kick jungkook things before leaving everyone also started to leave now jungkook eas alone in the hallway picking up his things until a boy approached him and help him"

Flashback end

"so from that day that guy and I became Close friends but i forgot his name cuz its been ten years but i remember i always call him taelien but he also left me cuz he have to go to United States of America for his further studies i feel so sad and lonely at that time he was the only person who cares about me but now i don't know where he is we lost the contact after a year when he moves to America i really miss him a lot i really wanna meet him" jungkook said sadly "oh that's a sad story don't worry i hope you meet him soon" taehyung said

Jungkook sigh and saw taegukie coming towards their direction "eomma appa im hungry" taegukie said while rubbing her tummy "what do you want to eat baby" taehyung asked "pasta and pizza" taegukie said
"ok let's go" taehyung said and stood up

"eomma you are also coming with us right?" taegukie asked "you want me to come" jungkook asked taehyung and taegukie both nodded "umm ok then" jungkook said with a smile "eomma come with us in appa car" taegukie said cutely "but i have my car parked here baby" jungkook said showing his car keys "please pretty please eomma" taeguki ed said with a pout and puppy eyes

"umm okay hun" jungkook said with a smile "ok let's go" taehyung and taegukie daid in unison and jungkook nodded

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