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Taehyung point of view

We were walking for a while we are having a really great time not until i saw someone that made me kinda scared i saw her i saw my ex with her boyfriend i was scared she might see me and asked about taeggukie She was about to walk in our direction so i turned sideways and cupped jungkook face and kissed him

Jungkook point of view

I was looking at the beautiful nature when suddenly taehyung towards me and cupped my face and then kissed me

Taehyung point of view

I kissed him on the lips his eyes widened at the sudden reaction then i saw her walking away so i pulled away from the kiss and jungkook was
Still shock for what I did "jungkook-ah im sorry i just have to do it" i said quickly "yahh! This is the second time you stole my kiss" he said with a cute pout

"wait im your boyfriend right i don't need to apologize and can stole a lot of kiss" i said "be lucky otherwise have already killed you for stealing my first kiss" he said a bit shyly we both chuckled and continued walking and talking i was feeling happy that im his first kiss

While we were walking jungkook get a notification "tae....I need to go something urgent come up in company" he said "oh ok i will drive you" i said "oh no problem tae i have my car parked here ok bye see ya" he said i was feeling a bit sad that he have to go but work is first

We walk to parking lot "hey you forgot something" i said "what" he asked confusedly "my kiss" i said with puppy eyes "its gone you stole it remember?" he said with a chuckle "ahhhh" i whine like a kid

"aish you are such a baby" he said and cupped my cheek and get on tip toes and kissed me i smiled "yahh" i said he just chuckled he wave at me before getting in car and drive away "aish this boy is making me fall in love more with him" i mumbled to myself

Jungkook point of view

"sir someone is here to meet you" my secretary said "who?" i asked "she isn't telling her name sir" my secretary said weird why us she not telling her name "let her in let's see who is she" i said to my secretary with a sigh my secretary nodded and went outside to call the girl After three four minutes my secretary come back with the girl who want to see me

"hi what brings you here miss?" i asked the lady "hi mr. Jeon im jennie" that girl said "hi ms. Jennie have a seat so what brings you here?" i asked her again "oh im the daughter of Mr. Kim CEO of Kim world i just want to check on the youngest CEO of korea" she said "well im doing great how about you" u asked her i don't know this girl is giving me a really negative vibes maybe im over thinking she us talking so sweetly "well im good as always" i said

"excuse me sir but someone is outside looking for you" my secretary said coming inside "oh is it a boy or girl" i asked "its a biy sir" my secretary said i nodded before I could say anything Jennie said "ah it must be your boyfriend mr. jungkook"

"its none of your business" i said sternly to Jennie "let them in" i said my secretary nodded and went outside "jungkookie"

"taehyung" jennie said

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