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Third person point of view

"idea will you be my eomma peawse peawse peawse" taegukie said and jungkook gasped "baby it is not that easy and he is a boy" taehyung said "then be my another appa but I'll call you eomma you are my eomma" taegukie said "baby if you want an eomma your appa need to marry a girl whom he love" jungkook said trying to explain taegukie

"oh then you both marry each other"
Taehukie said excitedly while clapping his hands "umm baby we can not marry each other baby" jungkook said pink tinted on his cheek "he is right baby" taehyung said "but don't worry I'll find you an eomma soon ok?" taehyung said

"oh then you both marry each other" Taehukie said excitedly while clapping his hands "umm baby we can not marry each other baby" jungkook said pink tinted on his cheek "he is right baby" taehyung said "but don't worry I'll find you an eomma soon o...

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"okay" taegukie said while looking down and playing with his fingers "but you can be my mom till then peawse peawse please please" she continues as she was at the edge of crying "umm..o-ok i can be your temperpry mom till your appa find you eomma" jungkookie said

"really yah!! Appa i have an eomma now yahhh!!" taegukie said with wide eyes hoping like a bunny and clapped her hands "jungkook you don't have to if you are not comfortable it's ok" taehyung said "n-no she is my eomma now" taegukie protest

"umm yeah baby and its ok every kid need to experience a happy and complete family and i love kids and im kinda feeling attached to taegukue for some reason" jungkook said with a smile

"i have to go now we'll meet tomorrow baby okay?" jungkook said and taegukie and taehyung nodded as jungkook went outside and went his home

"appa don't you like eomma he is really nice and beautiful" taegukie said "aish go to sleep now its late" taehyung said kissed her forehead and tugged her in bed before going out

Taehyung went inside his room while preparing to sleep when he saw his phone light up it was a message from jungkook

Taehyung? Do we have to meet up tomorrow?

Well ya you kinda promised to taegukie

Oh ya but where?

Well we both have work left so we will meet so you can spend time with taegukie

Ok let's just meet at the ******** park before work

Ok then see you

Good night 😊

Ok good night

After taehyung texted jungkook he put down his phone and lay down on the bed but he didn't realize that a smile appeared on his face cuz of a bunny face person he closed his eyes and went to sleep

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