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Third person point of view

"is this your home eomma its pretty" taeggukie said as she entered in jungkook or in her eomma house "really its pretty feel like home okay" jungkook said "we are staying here for a while baby ok since police uncle need to investigate" taehyung said "okay appa, eomma are you fine now" she asked looking at jungkook

"yes baby thank you for asking" jungkook said and ruffles taeggukie hair "eomma do we share a room?" taeggukie asked "no... I mean me and eomma will sleep together remember i tell you to be brave right and taeggukie is very brave" taehyung said "taeh-" jungkook was about to say but taeggukie said "its ok eomma im brave where is my room"

"upstairs baby you can choose the room you want to stay in" jungkook said taeggukie nodded and went upstairs to the room "tae what was it she still a kid" jungkook said looking at taehyung "well that's what I teach her to be brave and she should sleep on her own" taehyung said "aish let's go up now" jungkook said "will we share the room?" taehyung asked

"you told taeggukie right? I and i don't think i get a choice" jungkook said and taehyung chuckle as jungkook went upstairs

Taehyung point of view

Aigo jungkook stop making me fall in love more and more this boy seriously change me but im scared to lose him i hope he understands that i have to do this for taeggukie i entered in jungkook room and saw him working on his computer i took my bag and took out one shirt

"yahh mr. Jeon and soon to be kim the doctor said you should not work and should rest" i said "aish i need to finish thi-" he was saying but I'm went up to him and turn off her computer "tae!!!" he said "what" i asked him innocently "aish fine" he said

And get up from the chair but then i grabbed him by his waist and stare deep in his eyes he was shocked by my actions i went closer to his faceand kissed him passionately second later he kissed me back i smile in the kiss without breaking the kiss i cupped his cheek after few seconds he pull back to get some air

"aigoo...you are always cheesy" he said "your lips are soft and addictive whuch lip balm do you use" i asked him with a chuckle "aishhh" he said with a chuckle he opened the door and was about to leave but i stopped him "where are you going?" i asked him "its almost dinner time so what do you want" he asked "japchae" i said

"okay tgen cook it I'll ask taeggukie" he said "aishh you said what i want to eat and im the one who'll cook" i said whinngly he chuckled and went out as he left i chuckled and went to bathroom to change

Jungkook point of view

I went downstairs in kitchen and gather all the ingredients and start cooking i heard some footsteps coming down and saw taeggukie "eomma" taeggukie said "yes baby" i asked "can i help you i want to help" she said "okay baby if you want to help please prepare the table" i said "ah okay eomma" she said i chuckled at her cuteness while she was preparing the table

After 15 minutes

"eomma it smells so good" she said with a gasp while preparing to eat "go call your appa too" i said with a chuckle she nodded and went upstairs and call taehyung down "lets eat" i said they come "wait is it japchae you cooked it" taehyung said "yes it is mr. Kim so now lets eat" i said we all sit down and start eating

"how is it?" i asked "its really really good" taehyung said "i told you im the best cook" i said and flipped my hair "its tasty eomma" taeggike said "thank you baby" i said and we continue eating

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