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Taehyung point of view

Taehyung come to pick jungkook up when he entered in jungkook office ge saw the person he wish he never meet his ex jennie "taehyung" Jennie said taehyung glare at her "you guys know each other" jungkook asked "yes he us my e-" before jennie could say any more taehyung cut her in mid sentence "my old friend yeah she is my old friend jungkookie" taehyung said and glare at jennie

"what brings you here taehyung-sii" jungkook asked sweetly "im here to pick my BOYFRIEND" taehyung said emphasizing the word boyfriend Jennie widened her eyes "oh is it i need to go" Jennie said

"oh ok but dont you guys want to spend time together with your old friend" jungkook asked sweetly "no thank you" taehyung saus "umm i guess next time" jennie said and left

"by the way why do you wanna pick me up suddenly are we going somewhere" jungkook asked packing her things up "no but taeggukie want to see you" taehyung said "oh really i miss ger let's go now she must be waiting" jungkook said "aigoo calm down bunny" taehyung said they were about to walk out but taehyung grab jubgkook by the waist and pull him closer to himself

Jungkook eyes Widened at the sudden action taehyung lean in and kissed jungkook passionately "this is the last time kim taehyung" jungkook said "i don't think so baby" taehyung said with a chuckle "yah stop acting cheesy and let's go" jungkook said with a blush spread on his face "fine fine let's go" taehyung said

Time skip

"where's taeggukie" jungkook said as he entered in living room of taehyung house "maybe she is upstairs in her room let's go up" taehyung said closing the door "wait...aigo taehyung why is it so messy" jungkook asked as he look around and pick up paper and toys

"sry i have given Leave to all my maids and forgot to clean" taehyung said with a seephish smile "aish do you really want to live like a mess" jungkook said taehyung shake his head as no and chuckles while watching jungkook who was busy cleaning "aigoo you are looking like a wife who is scolding his husband" taehyung said jungkook blush a bit
"let's just go to taeggukie room " he said and went upstairs

"taeggukie baby" taehyung said as they entered her room "appa i miss chu" taeggukie said coming towards taehyung and hug him tightly "someone is here to meet you" taehyung said "who appa" taeggukie asked and jungkook enter inside

Taeggukie eyes widened and start jumping like a bunny who get lots of carrot "eomma" taeggukie said and ran towards jungkook to him him "i missed you baby" jungkook said and kissed taeggukie forehead

"eomma came sit and can chu pewase read me a stowy before bed" taeggukie said looking at jungkook with puppy eyes "sure baby whic one" jungkook asked taeggukue went to her book shelf and took out a book "this one eomma" she said handing the book to jungkook

"baby but did you eat something?" jungkook asked and taeggukie nodded "well ok then go to bed and i will start reading" jungkook said taeggukie nodded and laod down on the bed while taehyung went down to clean the remaining mess

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