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Third person point of view

"thank you very much jungkook she was so happy that she got a eomma" taehyung said with a smile "no problem well she deserves to have a complete family" jungkook said with a innocent smile "i have to go now its pretty late" jungkook said and start walking downstairs to main gate

Jungkook stop walking as he gasp and turn back to taehyung "taehyung my car is still in park aishh how should i go home now" jungkook said "we can't go to the park because it is pretty late park will be closed and i also can't drive you home cuz taegukie is sleeping and alone she hate it and all the maids are on leave sorry" taehyung said

"aish im so stupid how can I go home now?" jungkook whine and taehyung chuckled at his cute whining "stay here for tonight" taehyung said "is it okay with you" jungkook asked and taehyung nodded "come let me show you the guest room" taehyung said "umm ok" jungkook said and went to guest room following taehyung like a lost puppy

"if you need anything just call me im in next room" taehyung said and nodded "good night" jungkook said "good night sweet dreams" taehyung said and went to his room jungkook take off his snickers and drifted off to bed

In the middle of night

"appa look at the birds outside they look so cute and pretty" jungkook said "yeah they are sweetie just like you" Mr jeon said "im sure you will love that place" Mrs jeon said "btw where are we going" jungkook asked curiously "it's a secret" Mr. Jeon said

"ahhh!! Appa appa look look in front" jungkook yell as he saw a truck coming in full speed "jungkook don't ye-ahhhhhhh" mrs jeon said

Taehyung point of view

I wake in mid of the night as I was feeling thirsty as i was going in kitchen u heard someone crying it was coming from guest room so i enter in and look at jungkook who was a crying in his sleep and sweating really hard

"jungkook are you ok? Why are you crying?" i asked as i shake him a bit i guess he have a nightmare i took the blanket away from his body and carry him in bridal style and come back in my room he wake up he was still crying hard and his face wad getting pale

I quickly hug him while caressing his back "its ok shhh don't cry" i said as i try to comfort him i can feel him shaking i don't know what to do since I never comfort a bunny boy "let's just do it" i think with a sigh and kissed him on the lips

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